Hurry up to Greece!

Hurry up to Greece!

Have you already been to Greece? We know at least 10 reasons to go there as soon as possible. For the first time or again.

1. Variety
You can’t choose where to spend your vacation – in the mountains or at sea, on islands or deep in the continent, in the city or in nature, among ancient monuments or modern architecture, traveling by water or by land? Well, don’t choose ! Just go on holiday to Greece. There is, perhaps, everything here. Even the nature of Greece itself is unique. For example, here is the Vikos gorge, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the deepest gorge in the world (its depth is 490 meters),

the famous Olympus, which is not only the highest mountain in Greece, but also one of the highest in Europe (its height is 2919 meters),

the longest Samaria Gorge in Europe on the island of Crete (its length is more than 16 kilometers),

Myrtos beach with the most turquoise water in the world, Butterfly Valley on the island
Rhodes and other unique places that are easy to reach when traveling around the country.

Hurry up to Greece!

2. Not just a sea, but a clean sea
Did you know that according to the EU Environmental Commission, Greece ranks 4th in terms of purity of sea water in Europe? The water off the coast of Greece is cleaner, for example, than sea water in Spain, Italy, France and Portugal. In addition, in one trip, if you set such a goal, you can visit five seas at once: the Aegean, Ionian, Thracian, Cretan and Mediterranean.

Hurry up to Greece!

3. Your own island
A fifth of Greece is islands. There are about two thousand of them. Of course, you can’t get to everyone, but you can definitely visit somewhere. And find the one that suits you best. Ferries sail between the islands, which have everything for every taste: restaurants, children’s rooms, swimming pools, shops, in general, a whole world on the water.

Hurry up to Greece!

4. Everyone is happy
You love to sunbathe, but your travel companion cannot stay on the beach for even a few hours. Your travel companion loves history and archaeology. So, sunbathe and send your travel companion on an excursion. In Greece, historical monuments are truly at every turn. We especially recommend visiting the Acropolis, the Panathinaikos Stadium, built entirely of white marble – by the way, one of the oldest stadiums in the world, the Minoan archaeological sites in Crete and the Meteora Monasteries, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

5. Hospitality
“And that’s a compliment!” – a tanned restaurant owner will tell you as he treats you to dessert or a glass of wine after dinner. “And this is a gift!” — the seller will add some nice little thing to your shopping bag. In general, on this trip you will become so accustomed to generosity and hospitality that, when you return, you will be very surprised that everything in the world is not always like this.

Hurry up to Greece!

6. Everything is delicious
Even a simple Greek salad, prepared in its homeland, becomes a salad that one would like to call “the most delicious salad in life.” Ripe vegetables, dozens of types of olives, amazing cheeses, juicy meats, fresh seafood… Oh, yes, and excellent wine. And all in large, no, very large portions!

Hurry up to Greece!

7. Picturesque
Greece is not about rapidly built skyscrapers or industrial landscapes. Greece is about white stone houses with flowers in pots on the windowsills, about blooming gardens, about olive groves on the hills and about the beauty of southern life. Perhaps the most picturesque places in Greece are the island of Rhodes, Santorini and celebrity favorite Mykonos, famous for its windmills and pelicans.

Hurry up to Greece!

8. Cradle of Western Civilization
Greek culture is one of the most ancient. And needless to say how much it influenced the entire European civilization? Touching this culture, visiting the Acropolis, remembering myths and epics, feeling a connection with antiquity is an unforgettable and very valuable experience.

Hurry up to Greece!

9. Greek Church
Greeks and Russians have a lot in common – for example, Orthodoxy. And that’s why Greeks often accept Russians as family. But even if you are not religious at all, Greek churches are simply very beautiful. What can we say about the opportunity to get to Mount Athos, where 20 monasteries are located at once. True, only men have this opportunity.

Hurry up to Greece!

10. Availability
Greece is in 18th place in the ranking of European countries in terms of cost of living. It is more affordable to spend a holiday there than in Italy, France and even Cyprus. And, you see, this is important for a traveler.

Don’t miss:
The most interesting sights of Crete
Size doesn’t matter. Five microstates with a rich tourism program

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