How to rest 47 days in 2022, taking 19 days of vacation

How to rest 47 days in 2022, taking 19 days of vacation

New Year holidays and long weekends are behind us. But there is still a whole year ahead and many opportunities to extend the pleasure of traveling. We tell you how to relax for a month and a half this year, taking only 19 days of vacation. To do this, you need to wisely manage non-working days associated with public holidays. If you take additional vacation and add adjacent weekends, then this year’s vacation will last 47 days.

So, combining vacation and holidays, you can rest from five to 15 days – enough time for full-fledged travel. This is a reason to explore your native land or new cities and countries. In addition, tickets departing a few days before official weekends or a couple of days after they end are usually more profitable than on the dates themselves.


Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2022 falls on Wednesday, and the official weekend does not stretch over three days as before. However, you can add two vacation days before or after February 23 (February 21-22 or February 24-25) to the holiday. Thus, the total duration of rest will be five days.

Vacation ideas

February has a lot of powdery snow and opportunities for extreme sports, so feel free to go to the ski resorts: both ski and just walk in the beauty! Here we tell you where to go to conquer the slopes in Russia and abroad. There are also options for winter hiking (for example, the Urals, Karelia, Crimea, Adygea), you can see the northern lights in Murmansk or other northern locations.


This year March 8 is celebrated on Tuesday, but Russians will rest as before – three days at the expense of working Saturday. By adding three more working days (March 9-11), the weekend can be extended to eight days.

Vacation ideas

If you haven’t had time to go skiing, March is your last chance—  in many resorts it is during this period that the winter season ends. In addition, at the end of the month you can move from winter to early spring in Sochi, Crimea, Adygea or Turkey. There are many other ideas for traveling around Russian cities in our materials.


The May holidays in 2022 are separated by three working days (May 4-6) – if you take a weekend during this time, as well as from May 11 to 13, then the rest will be 16 days.

Vacation ideas

The last month of spring is beautiful no matter where you are. There are a lot of ideas for where to go, and each one is better than the other. You can go to celebrate early summer and look at the flowering of trees and field plants in Crimea, Adygea, Sochi, Dagestan, to the resorts of KavMinVod, and from abroad – for example, to Turkey, Montenegro and other European countries.

If it’s hard to decide, use our “Where to Go” project with current restrictions for tourists.


In June you can go on a nine-day adventure: Russia Day falls on Sunday, the day off is moved to Monday, and if you add June 14-17, you get a full trip.

Vacation ideas

Summer has begun, which means we can already start our vacation at sea! If the water at Russian resorts seems cool to you, go to other countries. For example, to Turkey, Greece or Cyprus.


The last long weekend before the New Year awaits Russians in November: National Unity Day falls on Friday, and four days of vacation (from October 31 to November 3) will extend the holiday to nine days.

Vacation ideas

We think there will be much more available destinations in November than in the first half of the year. But it’s better to plan a trip for the penultimate month of the year a little later, so as not to go wrong with tickets and entertainment program.

* July – October

There are no public holidays with long weekends, but this is not a reason to stay at home. During this period, you can take a full vacation or travel on weekends. In autumn, the velvet season begins at many beach resorts.

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