How to protect yourself while traveling

How to protect yourself while traveling

The world is not dangerous at all, quite the contrary. There are not very pleasant places and people everywhere, even in your hometown, but there are much fewer of them than good ones. And more often than not, the percentage that you will get into trouble is much higher at home than when traveling. But we have put together a selection of tips that you should not forget about if you go on a trip.

How to protect yourself while traveling

1. Look back

Get into the habit of looking back when leaving a public place. Traveling is very distracting, and due to the large flow of information, the likelihood that you will forget a jacket or something else in a cafe is much higher, no matter how attentive a person you are.

2. Don’t keep money in one place

Most often, at home you keep all the cards in one place, right? Don’t do this when you travel. If you suddenly lose all your cards and are left without money somewhere in Timbuktu, it won’t be much fun.

How to protect yourself while traveling

3. Don’t carry your wallet in your back pocket

Carry your wallet in your front pocket, or even better, in the inside pocket of your jacket.
There are also a lot of options with belt bags if we are talking about warm countries. It is better if the pocket is waterproof.

4. Make a copy of all important documents

…and send them to your email. Previously, they always made copies and hid them in another part of the luggage, but this is already outdated. Nothing will definitely get lost from the mailbox, unlike suitcases.

5. Be careful with strangers

It’s not easy to understand at first glance who you can trust and who you can’t. But take basic precautions: you should not go to an unfamiliar area, give money in advance for services, or accept food and drinks from strangers if they do not consume it themselves.

How to protect yourself while traveling

6. Make insurance

You won’t regret it if you get sick while traveling. Hospital care will cost a fortune if you don’t have insurance.

How to protect yourself while traveling

7. Get the necessary vaccinations

Go to the doctor, find out about diseases in the country you are traveling to, and get the necessary vaccinations. Also know the precautions.

8. Don’t show off your well-being

There is an opinion that there are no poor tourists, so there is no need to wear expensive jewelry or leave an expensive camera around your neck. Do not attract attention, it may become a bait for thieves and pickpockets.

How to protect yourself while traveling

9. Some things are better done at home

This may seem like nonsense, but you shouldn’t learn, for example, to ride a bike or jet ski abroad. In Thailand, 38 people die a day in bike accidents. Some insurance companies do not cover any accidents, please check before traveling.

How to protect yourself while traveling

10. Check license and certificates

If you do take some courses, check the instructors’ certificates and read what is written in the fine print. There will always be reasons why one school is more expensive than another.

11. Don’t leave your belongings with strangers or unattended

It’s obvious, but many people do it all the time. Be especially careful in cafes, restaurants, airports and other public places.

12. Release

If you get into trouble and someone takes your phone or wallet, give it back. It is not more expensive than your life.

How to protect yourself while traveling

13. Don’t give alms to the poor

This rule may have exceptions (monks, for example),

but still don’t give money to people on the street. This is not the best way to give to charity. It’s better to take part in some volunteer project or donate money to a charity foundation.

How to protect yourself while traveling

14. Try not to use a credit card in an internet cafe

Computers in public places can remember your passwords and personal information, which can later be used by scammers. One way to cheat is to enter incorrect data several times if you still need to use the computer.

How to protect yourself while traveling

15. Do not pet stray dogs and cats

They may be sick, may have rabies, or be carriers of some other infection.
Also, you should not feed wild animals, even if you really want to.

How to protect yourself while traveling

16. Be prepared for the fact that your enemy may be your traveling companion

Sometimes fellow travelers act rashly and riskily, asking for help from those you would not turn to, aggravating the situation with arrogance, or doing something else that goes against your guidelines. Don’t put pressure on them, resolve conflicts calmly, and if that doesn’t work out, then offer to travel separately.

How to protect yourself while traveling


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