How to prepare for a business trip (checklist)

How to prepare for a business trip (checklist)

A business trip is a responsible event for which it is important to prepare. This will help you avoid various unpleasant situations and complete your work task more efficiently. Our new article contains a guide to preparing for a business trip with a convenient checklist that will help employees not to miss key points.

Step #1: find out who is responsible for organizing the trip

In some companies, planning your own trip may be fully or partially entrusted to an employee. You need to find out what exactly you can do on your own, if available, familiarize yourself with the travel policy or other document with written booking rules, etc.

Step #2: book accommodation and tickets

Often, air or train tickets purchased in advance are significantly cheaper than if booked shortly before the trip. Therefore, it is worth resolving this issue as early as possible – this will not only save money, but also avoid possible problems with a lack of flights shortly before the business trip.

Step #3: warn your office colleagues about the trip and try to complete as many tasks as possible

To prevent a business trip from bringing problems that remain in the office, and whose tasks depend, among other things, on the departing employee, he should firstly warn everyone about the trip, and secondly, close as many work tasks as possible . This will not only make life easier for colleagues who remain in the office, but will also help the business traveler himself not to be overwhelmed by accumulated tasks upon returning to the office.

Step #4: clarify the list of documents for reporting

Before starting the trip, you should also separately clarify the list of documents that will need to be brought from the trip for the report. This will help employees of the accounting department or human resources department to correctly “close” the trip and report on it.

Step #5: pack everything you need for the trip

At this step, you may need a separate checklist for what you need to remember to take with you on your trip. It should include clothing, including underwear, hygiene items, work tools – laptop, smartphone, chargers. You also need to remember about your documents. Ideally, everything should fit into a bag that can be transported as hand luggage – this will eliminate the need to wait for luggage at the airport and make it easier to move around the city before checking into the hotel.

Step #6: study the trip parameters in advance

In order to avoid various unpleasant moments or additional fees, it is important to know the allowed weight of luggage, the exact time of check-in at the hotel, after missing which the reservation “burns out.” 

Step 7: understand who to contact in case of problems

Various difficulties may arise on a business trip – flight delays, departure delays, refusal of check-in or provision of accommodation of the wrong category, etc. It is important to know who to contact in such situations – this could be a company employee or the support service of the booking service. OneTwoTrip for Business support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—employees on a business trip can only call +7 (495) 374-91-76 and resolve any issue with the help of an operator.

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