How OneTwoTrip for Business differs from agencies providing business travel services

How OneTwoTrip for Business differs from agencies providing business travel services

What is the difference between the OneTwoTrip for Business service and a traditional travel agency? The essence of the work is similar – we help companies book a business trip. But in practice everything is not so simple. Today we will tell you more about our differences.

Difference #1. Efficiency, savings and control

How to organize a business trip through a travel agency? The company needs to enter into an agreement with a contractor who provides services for organizing business trips, then formulate a task, that is, tell where and how many employees need to be sent. In addition, the assignment specifies the cost of tickets and hotels. 

The agency then collects the information and sends a list of eligible options. Company representatives study them and select the best. After this, the agency makes the reservation. And since the whole process is divided into many stages, it may turn out that the best options have already “gone”, and not so profitable ones remain, and the entire process of selection and approval must be repeated again.

With OneTwoTrip for Business, company representatives can perform all operations themselves in their personal account: find the necessary tickets and hotel, book them in a couple of clicks. This seriously saves time and resources.

Difference #2. Wider selection of tickets and accommodation options

The offer of air, train tickets and accommodation options from travel agencies is less diverse compared to the offer of online services, because one contractor simply does not have access to the full database of carriers and hotels. The problem can be partially solved by working with several contractors at once, but difficulties will arise in terms of collecting and compiling information into a single database. A large amount of manual labor will be required – and this costs time and effort, and still it will not be possible to get a 100% accurate picture of the market.

As a result, the company will be forced to overpay for trips and will not see many advantageous offers.

With OneTwoTrip for Business you immediately get access to all existing flight and hotel booking offers on the market. 

Difference #3. Convenient bank transfer and reporting

It is important for companies to be able to conveniently pay for business trips by bank transfer from a corporate account and receive all the necessary documents for reporting. In the case of offline agencies, payment will be multi-stage – you will transfer money to the agency’s account, and after the partner has completed the necessary transactions, you will receive closing documents. In OneTwoTrip for Business, you immediately pay for a business trip and can instantly upload closing documents in your personal account.

Similarly, many contractors delay the preparation of closing documents, but in our system you can download them in your personal account in a couple of clicks.

Business trip organization services

OneTwoTrip for Business is a modern and convenient way to organize business trips. Our online booking system allows you to access more travel and accommodation options while also saving you serious time.

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