Flying higher than everyone else: how to cope with the fear of flying

Flying higher than everyone else: how to cope with the fear of flying

Fear of flying in the modern world can become a real problem. If before your vacation you are not thinking about the sun, sea, beach, but that before all this you will have to spend several hours in a hermetically sealed metal hulk, and you are choosing a job based on the principle of “fewer business trips to other countries,” perhaps our advice will help it’s a little easier for you to endure flights.

Please note that we are not talking about aerophobia; the advice from our article is not suitable for those who are so afraid of flying that they experience extreme stress at the mere thought of an airplane. If you have aerophobia and want to get rid of it, it is best not to read recommendations on the Internet, but to seek help from professionals, for example, at the “Fly Without Fear” center.

But if you just get nervous every time before your next trip and wonder if there is a way to endure flights easier, then here are a few for you.

Flying higher than everyone else: how to cope with the fear of flying

Recognize and accept your fear

As we remember, acceptance is the first step to coping with a problem. It’s normal to be afraid of flying. You are not alone; several million people are awaiting the upcoming flights with horror. People in general are not naturally designed to fly, so psychologists attribute the fear of moving through the air to the primitive origins of our thinking. Therefore, take a breath and don’t be shy, many are afraid, and so are you, but you are about to fly, and this is already a big step.

Choose a convenient place

You should choose a seat in such a way that, firstly, it does not increase your fears, and secondly, it makes the flight as comfortable as possible. If you can spend money on business class, buy tickets there: economy, with narrow seats and minimal legroom, can increase fear of enclosed spaces. If you want to save money, look for larger seats; usually they are in the first row, right after business. We do not recommend taking seats near the emergency exit; this may only increase your fear of flying (especially if a flight attendant comes up to you and personally explains what to do in an emergency).

We also do not recommend sitting near the window (you are unlikely to want to admire the views from above) or in the tail (during turbulence, it shakes the most there). The ideal place for a person who is afraid of flying is in the first rows after business class, near the aisle.

Flying higher than everyone else: how to cope with the fear of flying

Arm yourself with statistics

Anyone who is afraid of flying has heard that an incomparably larger number of people die in traffic accidents every year than in plane crashes, and “if you are afraid of airplanes, then avoid taking taxis.” But it is difficult for the human brain to believe this, especially when a person is afraid. Let’s help him a little.

Go to, it shows all the planes that are currently in the air. If you live in a large city, you will see that several dozen planes are flying towards it right now. Zoom out and hundreds, even thousands of yellow airplanes appear on the map. It is completely unclear how this is possible, but it is a fact: every minute in the world an airplane takes off or lands. No accidents or incidents. Because in aviation everything is thought out, and the safety of passengers is given the most important place.

Learn useful information

Try to figure out what exactly scares you about flying.

You don’t understand how this big and heavy thing stays in the air and doesn’t fall? Read about the basics of aerodynamics or watch a webinar where they talk about it in detail.

It’s scary that during turbulence the plane will simply fall apart in the air? Find out what turbulence is all about.

Afraid that you will get caught in a thunderstorm and the plane will have to land at the nearest airport? Read about how weather affects flights.

In general, analyze your fear and try to get to the bottom of its underlying cause. And then just Google it – any information can be found on the Internet. If you are very afraid, ask your loved ones or friends to look for information so that they will give you not Internet horror stories, but a filtered and reasonable answer to the question “What if?”.

Flying higher than everyone else: how to cope with the fear of flying

Download a useful application on your phone

Before your upcoming flight, download the SkyGuru app (unfortunately, only available for iPhone). It was developed by a professional pilot and specialist in working with people who are afraid of flying. The application helps you understand what is happening with the plane at a given moment. Flight information will be downloaded to your smartphone before the flight and during all hours you will be able to see exactly where you are at any time and find out how the weather outside the window affects the plane. The application recognizes various sounds and explains their origin, and also gives the user advice.

The application is free, but for each flight you will have to pay 299 rubles (or 1290 for 10 flights). You can use the demo version, which will explain how the weather during takeoff and landing will affect your experience, and also roughly predict turbulence. But if you want the program to calm you down throughout the flight, it’s better to buy the full version.

Learn to relax

And without alcohol: it will help you fall into suspended animation before landing, and as a result, you may simply not be allowed on the plane. In addition, it is generally not recommended to drink alcohol in this case: it has a bad effect on blood vessels and blood pressure, and during the flight your body is already under high stress. It’s better to start practicing meditation, collect a playlist of your favorite soothing music, take knitting with you (in this case, take bamboo needles) or embroidery, buy a coloring book for adults – in general, any activity that will help you relax and get distracted. It also helps to download several films for the road, preferably light comedies.

Flying higher than everyone else: how to cope with the fear of flying

Prepare for flight

Put lollipops and chewing gum in a small cosmetic bag – psychologists say that chewing or sucking candy helps distract you from frightening circumstances. In addition, if you chew on landing or takeoff, your ears will be less clogged. Also put a sleep mask, a special pillow and earplugs in your bag – they will help you disengage from the flight. Dress as comfortably as possible and bring regular slippers or warm socks: your body should feel comfortable and good.

To compare hotel prices, use the travel planning service OneTwoTrip.

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