Flight delay during a business trip

Flight delay during a business trip

Sometimes situations arise when a flight to or from a business trip is delayed by more than 12 hours. Let’s look at what can be done in this case, who bears the costs, and how this problem can be resolved.

What questions most often arise when a flight is delayed:

  • general passenger rights in case the flight was delayed;
  • information from the carrier;
  • meals, hotel accommodation, monetary compensation;
  • regulatory procedure for registering a flight delay during a business trip;
  • payment of daily allowance and other expenses if the business trip is prolonged.

General passenger rights

First of all, the carrier needs to know whether the passenger’s next flight will be on the original ticket or whether he will use another one. In addition, there should be information about how many airlines provide transportation.

To do this, you should make a corresponding request from the representative of the airline that provided the ticket. If the trip is on the same ticket, the air carrier must take all possible actions to ensure that the passenger makes the next flight. In other cases, the passenger himself takes action to replace the ticket, and the carrier airline only provides assistance.

The passenger has the right to:

  • timely and reliable information about the delay and its reasons;
  • monetary compensation;
  • provision of soft drinks, hot meals and hotel.

A passenger’s rights depend not only on the reasons for the delay, but also on the waiting time. The longer a passenger waits for departure, the more responsibilities the airline carrier has towards the passenger. For example, if a flight is delayed for more than 12 hours, then the passenger’s rights specified above can be fully exercised.

In addition, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 795 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the carrier pays a fine for delay in departure. However, the carrier is exempt from payments if it has been established that the flight delay was caused by reasons beyond its control, for example: force majeure, malfunctions that threaten the life or health of citizens, etc.

Costs associated with flight delays

If an employee left the place where he was on a business trip later than previously stated in the order to be sent on a business trip, he is required to provide documents that confirm that the flight was delayed (usually a certificate from the airport). From the moment the employee submits this certificate, his company is obliged to reimburse him for the daily allowance for the day(s) of delays and expenses associated with the rental of residential premises. This certificate is a document justifying all expenses incurred.

However, obtaining these documents can be very difficult. In fact, when the flight was actually delayed, but the employee was unable to obtain supporting documents from the airport, he can request an order to extend the business trip. Additionally, the employee has the opportunity to contact the company where he was on a business trip with a request to indicate in the travel document the actual date of departure, including the day(s) when he was unable to leave due to force majeure circumstances. Then all expenses incurred will be classified as travel expenses. No other confirmation will be required.

When an employee goes on a business trip, the employer guarantees that he will retain his place of work (position) and salary. The employer also reimburses him for all expenses incurred during his business trip.

The employee is advised to write an explanatory note addressed to his supervisor. In the note, he should indicate the reasons why he was not able to fly on time on a business trip. Documents substantiating this fact are attached to it.

When a manager decides to cancel a business trip, he issues a corresponding order about it. The employee should read it and sign it. If a travel certificate and official assignment were previously issued, they will be canceled (an order to cancel the trip is suitable here).

In the event that an employee received an advance payment to cover travel expenses, and the business trip itself was canceled due to the flight being delayed, the employee returns the advance payment within the period determined by the company’s internal regulations. If at the same time he incurred any expenses, he should be provided with an advance report of the amounts spent.

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