Five lakes that make wishes come true

Five lakes that make wishes come true

Struck by their beauty, inaccessible mountain lakes have always inspired awe and awe in people; legends have been told about them, often endowing them with magical powers. The healing properties of some have been confirmed by scientific facts over time, while others have remained superstitions. In any case, if you love fresh mountain air, untouched nature and hiking, why not combine business with pleasure, and maybe it works?

Karakol lakes will cure diseases (on the map)

Five lakes that make wishes come true

There are many myths and legends in Northern Altai, and the Karakol lakes, stretching in a chain along the western slope of the Iolgo ridge, have their own history. The lowest lake is located at an altitude of 1820 meters above sea level and the path to it lies through the taiga. It is called the “lake of spirits,” and it is believed that disembodied guardians hide in the icy depths during the day and come ashore at night. According to legend, only those who are allowed by the spirits can swim in the lake, and the lake water will wash away all illnesses from him. It’s true that not everyone can take a dip in the lake – glaciers at the bottom do not allow the water to warm up even in summer; in mid-July the air temperature is usually 10-12 ˚C, and the water temperature is close to zero. The legends about the healing properties of water also do not lie – a high concentration of silver ions helps with skin diseases, that is, external diseases are indeed “washed away” in the lake.

Nesamovite will help you find love (on the map)

Five lakes that make wishes come true

Translated from Ukrainian, the lake is named “Frantic”. This small glacial lake is just one of many high-mountain lakes in the Ukrainian Carpathians. According to one of the many legends surrounding Nesamovite, it is believed that under the lake there is a place where mountain weather is created, and if you throw a stone into the water or swim entirely, you can cause a thunderstorm. But another sign is more interesting and pleasant – they say that if you wash your face with water from the lake, you will meet your love before the end of the year. Lake Nesamovite is a popular transit point for those crossing the Montenegrin ridge, so there is a high probability of meeting not only your other half, but also someone with common interests: someone who loves nature, mountain air and trekking – just like that , like you.

Hrid will bring good luck in marriage (on the map)

Five lakes that make wishes come true

Another lake that promises success in amorous affairs is hidden in the mountains in the southeast of Montenegro. It is believed that if you come to the lake before the wedding and throw a coin into it, the marriage will be accompanied by endless luck and happiness. Those who prefer to play it safe don’t settle for a coin, but swim in the refreshing, crystal clear water of Lake Hrid.

Crimson Lake will help with heirs (on the map)

Five lakes that make wishes come true

During a meal at the table of Catherine II, guests were offered to salt their dishes with an unusual pink salt, which caused surprise among foreigners. It was mined on Raspberry Lake, located in the Kulundinskaya steppe at the foot of the Altai Mountains. Then this place was difficult to access, but now many tourists come here from all over Russia. Local belief says that swimming in the lake has a beneficial effect on women’s health and fertility. The water in Raspberry Lake is truly pink, thanks to a special type of phytoplankton that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The healing properties are associated not with the romantic color, but with mineralization, which rejuvenates the skin and treats inflammation.

Segara Anak will fulfill any wish (on the map)

Five lakes that make wishes come true

Magic Lake Segara Anak does not specialize in anything, but simply fulfills any wish of the one who gets to it and performs a simple ritual: he entered the lake, whispered to the water about his dream and dived headlong. The water in the lake is refreshing, but not icy, as it is located in the crater of the active Rinjani volcano on the Indonesian island of Lombok. A standard three-day trek includes an ascent to the rim of the crater, a descent into the caldera with an overnight stay on the lake shore, and an ascent, so there is plenty of time to think about what to plan for along the way. Don’t be tempted to ask for a hot bath, there’s already one nearby – natural hot springs form a chain of small lakes here with the perfect temperature.

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Author: Irina Krokhaleva

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