First business trip after quarantine is lifted: what you need to remember while traveling

First business trip after quarantine is lifted: what you need to remember while traveling

Quarantine measures related to the coronavirus pandemic continue to weaken. Restaurants are reopening and travel is resuming, which means that companies are gradually starting to send their employees on business trips again.

What you need to remember during your first business trip after quarantine, how to prepare for it, and what documents will be needed for registration? Let’s find out in our new article.

Before the trip

Before starting a business trip, it is worth answering a number of questions that will help increase employee safety and reduce risks for the business. Among such questions should be the following:

Before starting a business trip, it is worth answering a number of questions that will help increase employee safety and reduce risks for the business. Among such questions should be the following:

  • Is there a mandatory quarantine for travelers in the region where the employee will travel? 

Today, in the vast majority of Russian regions there is no mandatory quarantine for people arriving there. However, if the epidemiological situation worsens, such restrictions may be introduced. You can track news on this topic on the Rostourism website.

  • What is the situation with medical care at the place of business trip?

If an employee goes on a business trip, for example, to a remote and small village, this carries certain risks – if he becomes ill, access to quality medical care will be limited. It is important to take such points into account in advance, buy extended medical insurance, try to bring the location of the work assignment as close as possible to large populated areas, etc.

During a business trip

It is extremely important that the employee going on a business trip, firstly, does not belong to a risk group, that is, the risks of contracting COVID-19 for him would not be higher than the statistical average. In addition, it is necessary to provide instructions and talk about the symptoms of the disease, measures to protect against it, including the use of sanitizers, wearing masks with regular changes and gloves.

Accordingly, it is worth giving the employee a supply of protective equipment against the virus or taking this into account when paying an advance for a business trip. Also, before the trip, the employee should be instructed about who and how he will need to contact to receive medical care on the spot – perhaps corporate health insurance involves contacting certain institutions in the city of travel.

How to arrange a business trip after quarantine

At the moment, there are no special requirements for business travel due to the coronavirus pandemic. This means that the procedure for processing business trips in 2020 remains unchanged:

  • It is necessary to issue a business trip order —this is the only mandatory document for starting a business trip. It must include the employee’s data, a description of the place where the work assignment will be performed, the timing of the trip and its purpose.
  • Justify the purpose of the trip —There is a standard T-10a job assignment form that can be used. However, this is not necessary, and the task can be described immediately in the Order.
  • Give the employee an advance payment  — during the trip, the company is not only obliged to maintain the employee’s average earnings, but also to compensate for the costs associated with traveling and living outside the home. For this, an advance is paid.

Upon return, you need to draw up an advance report —this document is needed to justify the costs of the trip. To do this, you can use the unified form N AO-1.

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