City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

If you ask a Russian what places he knows in Kazan, he will most likely answer that there is the Kremlin and Bauman Street – the local Arbat. In addition, the capital of Tatarstan is known for its two water parks. This is true, but the list of interesting places in the city is not limited to this. Therefore, we asked a resident of Kazan to reveal to us all the passwords and addresses and compiled a list of the most popular places among Kazan residents.

Approximate travel budget for one person: from 4 500 rubles.

  • Train tickets from Moscow and back will cost from 2,100 rubles*. Despite the fact that the one-way journey takes about 11 hours, getting to Kazan is very convenient if you take the train in the evening at 21 or 23 o’clock, get some sleep, and in the morning at 8-10 o’clock you are already there.
    Planes fly from the capital to Kazan every day. The cheapest ticket costs 1,990 rubles*, and the flight lasts 1.5 hours.
  • 1 night in hostel – from 300 rubles* or in a 3* hotel  from 900 rubles*;
  • The average bill in a cafe is 400 rubles;
  • Walking around the city, travel on public transport, souvenirs – 800 rubles.

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

Interesting excursions from local residents in Kazan

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

Syuyumbike Tower

Recognized as the architectural symbol of the city. Its history is covered with the legend of the beautiful Queen Syuyumbika, whom Ivan the Terrible himself wanted to marry. When Kazan was captured, Syuyumbike agreed to marry the king, provided that a tower was erected in her honor within 7 days. When the “order” was fulfilled, the proud queen went upstairs and rushed down, not wanting to obey Ivan the Terrible.

The seven-story tower deviates from the vertical by almost 2 meters. The entrance to the tower is decorated with decorative gates depicting Tatar heroes.

Where: Kazan Kremlin

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

Palace of Farmers

A spectacular landmark – a new building, built in 2010. It leaves no one indifferent: while some compare it with the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, others are dissatisfied with its dissonance with the historical center. In 2011, the building was included in the “Big Bummer” anti-achievement category.

The center of the composition is a 20-meter tree, symbolizing fertility. The monumental façade is crowned with a classic dome and spire. At night, the building is illuminated with green lighting.

Where: Fedoseevskaya street, 36

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

Kremlin embankment

The walking area by the river has a perfectly smooth surface, which will appeal to those who like to skateboard, rollerblade or scooter. In winter, there is a skating rink – the longest in Europe. In addition, on the embankment there are restaurants, cafes, bicycle and rollerblade rentals, and in the evening hundreds of garlands are lit, illuminating the way.

Where: Baturin Street, Kazanka Embankment

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

Temple of All Religions

The Ecumenical Temple in the village of Arakchino was built in 1998 according to the design of the Kazan architect Ildar Khanov. The architect’s idea was to create a place that embodies the unity of cultures. The unique ensemble includes Orthodox, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist symbols – in total, elements of 16 world religions. The temple was built with public money, its construction continues to this day.

Unfortunately, after the death of the author, it was closed to visitors for a long time. This spring, the cathedral survived a fire, and here’s the paradox: it was after this that the new owners finally decided to open the doors to the rest.

Where: Old Arakchino village, 4.
Opening hours: 10:00 –20:00.
Admission price: free.

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

Tatar cuisine establishments

Tatar cuisine includes many meat dishes. Don’t be surprised when you are offered horse meat dishes – the ancestors of the Tatars were nomads and could not afford to keep other animals. Monuments are erected here to the famous ochpochmak – a triangle with meat. Soup lovers should try Tatar-style noodles – “tokmach”. The noodle dough is prepared in a special way: only egg, salt and flour. For unusual sweets, we recommend eating “talkysh keleve” (bird’s nests) – small cones made of burnt sugar.


  • Chain of cafes of Tatar cuisine “Azu”, st. Gasovaya 14, st. Petersburgskaya, 52, st. Chistopolskaya, 2/Dekabristov, 8. The average check of the establishment is 300 rubles.
  • Cafe “Chak-chak”, Bauman 7/10. The average bill of the establishment is 250 rubles.
  • Cafe “Alan Ash”, Peterburgskaya, 14. The average check of the establishment is 250 rubles.
  • National complex “Tugan Avalym”, Tufan Minnullina str. 14/56, average bill 800 rubles.

Establishments without national flavor

  • “Salt” is a fashionable place for Kazan youth. Cafe with varied cuisine during the day and bar in the evenings. The establishment offers mead and draft beer, burgers, sandwiches, soups, including hangover soup, pastas and steaks. The average bill is 700-1500 rubles.
    Where: Profsoyuznaya, 22.
  • Marusovka is a small, cozy cafe in Lyadsky Garden with a summer veranda. As the restaurant’s chef assures, European cuisine with Pan-Asian elements is presented here, with an emphasis on proper nutrition. Among the unusual ones – “Black Caesar” salad with cuttlefish ink and Black Sea bluefish with three textures of broccoli.
    Average bill – 1000 rubles.Where: Shchapova, 31
  • Fomin Bar&Shop is a store-bar offering beer from small private breweries. The establishment often plays jazz, and all the music is played from vinyl records. Beer here is served in beautiful glasses, more like wine glasses, and before taking your order, the bartender will ask you in more detail about your tastes so that you don’t make a mistake with your choice.
    Average check — 500 rubles.
    Where: Profsoyuznaya, 22.
  • “D.O.M.” – an establishment with an open kitchen behind glass to create the effect of a TV. The idea is that cooking is more like a small show. The menu includes a salad with beef and ginger sauce, lamb with couscous and a “country-style snowball”.
    Average check – 1000 rubles.
    Where: Kremlyovskaya, 21.

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan


“IT village” or city of technology, began its existence in June 2012. As planned, Innopolis should become a place of learning and a home for the best programmers in Russia who are developing their own projects and attracting investors.

Modern infrastructure is combined with a safe environment and ecology. A university for training IT specialists is located here, where excursions are held.

The city’s infrastructure is still developing, but a clinic, a sports complex, a kindergarten, a school, an IT lyceum, a clay pigeon shooting range, and a Masters class golf club are already available to residents and guests. Now about 2000 people live in the city.

How to get there: free buses run daily to Innopolis from the “Health Plant” stops and the “Prospekt Pobedy” metro stop.

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

Cycle of street screenings “Kinosreda”

Every Wednesday in the summer, non-commercial film screenings are held in the park named after Vasily Aksenov. It’s better to take a blanket with you and come early – the seats on the lawn quickly fill up with guests. In addition to watching films, spectators will enjoy lectures, discussions and musical events.

Where: area in the park named after Vasily Aksenov (behind the Mir cinema)
Opening hours: Wednesday, from 21.00
Admission price: free

Nearest schedule:
July 19 – “Teli and Toli” by Alexander Amirov;
July 26 – “Train to Busan” by Yeon Sang Ho; August 2 – “Attraction” by Fyodor Bondarchuk;
August 9 – “Time Travel”, Terrence Malick;
August 16 – “From Ufa with Love”, Ainura Askarova;
23 August – short films “Tatarstan shorts. No comment”;
August 27 – tapper party.

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

Blue Lake

On the outskirts of Kazan there is a system of lakes called the Blue Lakes. Since 1972, they have been recognized as a natural monument and protected area. The water in them is absolutely transparent, and thanks to the salt mud it acquires an emerald hue. The color, by the way, can change depending on the time of year from faint blue to dark blue. The reservoirs do not freeze in winter; all year round the water temperature is about 6 degrees. This is a great place for diving and underwater photography.

Where: near the outlying villages of Shcherbakovo and Krutushka in the Aircraft Construction District of the city.
How much does it cost : scuba diving – 2,500 rubles.

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

Center for Contemporary Culture “Smena”

The free space “Smena” promotes young contemporary artists, and also sets the task of educating anyone. The center is housed in a 19th-century stables fodder warehouse and spans three floors. The first one has its own bookstore, where you won’t find bestsellers like “50 Shades of Grey,” but you will find books about development. On the second floor there are two gallery spaces with exhibitions of contemporary artists and photographers, where lectures, presentations and screenings of documentaries are also held. Another exhibition room is located in the attic.

Where: Burhan Shahidi Street, 7
Opening hours: Daily, 12: 00 — 21:00
Admission price: free, but projects can be supported by making donations.

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

Photo: Ilya Gromov

Alafuzov Factory

In the past, the linen factory of a Kazan merchant has now turned into an unusual loft space. There are no guides or crowds of tourists with cameras here. A creative cluster of architects and artists, directors and musicians gathers in the former factory, underground parties are held, colorful flea markets and festivals of various subcultures take place, where you can not only have great fun, but also meet interesting people and make business contacts. The place is also loved by fans of street art, graffiti and atmospheric photo shoots. There are cafes, restaurants and showrooms on the territory.

Where: Gladilova street, 55.
Admission price: depends on the event.
You can find out about upcoming meetings and parties here.

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan

Museum of Socialist Life

Its unofficial name is the Museum of Happy Childhood. Indeed, any person over 30 years old will tear up when visiting this place. The forgotten 60s, 70s and 80s live here: Soviet toys, money, cosmetics, alcohol – everything that made up the way of life of a Soviet person. The museum’s special pride is the collection of exhibits related to military service. You can try on all the clothes and shoes, and play musical instruments.

Where: Ostrovsky street 39/6.
Opening hours: daily, 10 :00–20:00.
Admission price: adult 180 rub./children 80 rub./students 100 rub.

City of high technologies, dessert-nest and underground: 12 entertainments for a weekend in Kazan


This year Rospotrebnadzor allowed swimming on 4 beaches of Kazan: these are “Lokomotiv”, “Nizhneye Zarechye”, the beach on Glubokoye Lake and Lake Komsomolskoye.

Deep Lake: The beach is located in a coniferous forest with a beautiful landscape. Nearby there is a recreation center, a sky park (on weekdays for adults — 500 rubles, on weekends — 700) and stalls with kebabs. You can rent catamarans on the lake.

“Lokomotiv”: the beach is located in the city center behind the railway station on the banks of the Volga. On the other side there is a yacht club and you can watch the boats and river buses. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get on the yachts.

“Lower Zarechye”: from here the Kremlin and the city center are clearly visible, the beach is located on the banks of the Kazanka. Swimming is allowed here, but the water may be murky.

Lake Komsomolskoe: located in the Derbyshki area. The water in the lake has a greenish tint – this is normal. There are few people here, there is a forest with a beautiful birch grove around. Entertainment includes rental of catamarans, boats and workout grounds.

* Prices for travel and accommodation are indicated at the time of writing. The cost indicated in the material and the final price may vary depending on the season and time for which tickets are purchased.

Text author: Olga Pleshkova

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