Budget Europe: going in low season

Budget Europe: going in low season

Autumn and early winter are not the most popular time to travel to Europe, but for those who are not burdened with college or the need to take children to school, this time of year offers the opportunity to have a great rest. The main advantage of traveling during the low tourist season is the lack of crowds. Judge for yourself, the ancient Roman city of Pompeii is a huge open-air museum, its area is 67 hectares. In the high season, from April to October, up to 30 thousand tourists visit it per day in a heat of 30˚C. In January, sunny days with temperatures of 18-20˚C are not uncommon, and visitors average 500 people per day. But there are other, less obvious advantages, for example, theaters and museums reserve the most interesting collections and productions for the low season in order to attract true connoisseurs from the local audience. The autumn harvest promises a feast of the belly for those who value the gastronomic component of their travels. Well, most importantly, prices for hotels and flights are much lower than usual, so we have compiled for you a selection of the five best destinations for traveling in the low season.

Istanbul. Flight + hotel for 7 nights from 13,369 rubles per person

Budget Europe: going in low season

The low tourist season in Istanbul is from November to February. This is mainly due to the fact that the weather is mostly cloudy, the closer to winter, the more often it rains, but, to be fair, the sun also comes out regularly. If you dress properly, you can walk for quite a long time around the city, which is no less beautiful than in summer, and hide from the rain in numerous museums and one of the largest and most beautiful aquariums in Europe. Back in November, theater and jazz festivals are held in Istanbul. For lovers of oriental bazaars, “off-season” is that wonderful time when you don’t have to crowd around the famous city market, but calmly stroll between the stalls and successfully bargain, because when there are few buyers, sellers are more willing to make a deal. And don’t forget that hot tea and steaming kebab taste a hundred times better after a walk in the fresh autumn air!

Budget Europe: going in low season

Tours from locals in Istanbul

Greece. Flight + hotel for 7 nights in Athens from 17,551 rubles per person

Budget Europe: going in low season

The influence of the tourist seasons in Greece is very high: many cafes, restaurants and hotels are open only from May to October. But in those that are open all year round, in the low season it’s easy to book the best rooms with a gorgeous view of the ancient ruins, and in the restaurants you will find the best service and very sociable waiters who are not too busy with work and will happily take pictures of your company at dinner or reveal local secrets of a good holiday. Naturally, not only the cafes are empty, but also the ancient ruins, so a walk through them makes a greater impression. As for the weather, December is the rainiest month and January the coldest, but the climate is still very mild and pleasant, and thanks to the high humidity, the rocky terrain is covered with greenery and delights the eye with bright colors.

Sicily. Flight + hotel for 7 nights from 18,543 rubles per person

Budget Europe: going in low season

Italians call November in Sicily “the summer of St. Martin.” The weather at this time is sunny and warm, but not too hot, so visiting archaeological sites is much more pleasant. In addition, all the cruise ships have already set sail, and the empty museums have shortened their working hours and close at 15:30, but this only makes it easier to plan your trip: in the morning – a cultural program, in the evening – a walk in the fresh air and dinner at the best table in any restaurant. No queues and very fast service.

Portugal. Flight + hotel for 7 nights in Lisbon from 20,030 rubles per person

Budget Europe: going in low season

The low season begins throughout Europe almost simultaneously, while winter creeps up from the north and is not yet felt at all in Portugal in November. There are fewer cloudy days than sunny days, and it is still hot like summer. At lunchtime it’s nice to walk lightly along the streets smelling of roasting chestnuts, and if you get to the coast, you can even sunbathe. But in the evening you need to wrap yourself in the warmest sweaters and warm up with traditional drinks: the famous port wine or the Genjinha cherry liqueur, which is especially good if served in edible glasses made of chocolate. It’s very cool to drive around autumn Portugal by car: blushing vineyards alternate with green fields, on which huge, almost ripe orange pumpkins are scattered, and above all this beauty, tall white wind stations slowly rotate their blades.

Budget Europe: going in low season

Tours from locals in Lisbon

Venice. Flight + hotel for 7 nights from 21,838 rubles per person

Budget Europe: going in low season

The influx of tourists in Venice subsides towards the end of October and resumes only in April, not counting a two-week surge during the Venice Festival, which in 2019 will take place from February 16 to March 5. Of course, life is in full swing in this city all year round, but those short queues that still form during the “off season” cannot be compared with those in which you need to wait, for example, in June or July. It is true that in winter, in January and February, it is really cold here, because the city literally stands on water, and the humid air usually feels colder than the thermometer reading. But if you come in the last months of the low season, that is, in November or March, you can find pleasantly refreshing air and not hot sunny days. A separate entertainment is the so-called “acqua alta”, that is, high water. During the cold months, the tides are so strong that water from the canals floods the city’s squares and streets. In fact, the water leaves as quickly as it comes, that is, the flood lasts no longer than a couple of hours, which you can easily spend in a cafe, but it is much more fun to put on high rubber boots and, like in childhood, run through huge puddles.

* Prices for flights and accommodation are indicated at the time of writing. The cost indicated in the material and the final price may differ.

Text: Irina Krokhaleva

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