Buddhism centers in Russia: spiritual recreation in your native country

Buddhism centers in Russia: spiritual recreation in your native country

Buddhism can be called the most mysterious of the three world religions. It contains answers to questions about the meaning of life, but to find them, you must choose the right spiritual path. There is no universal textbook for this, therefore everything should be comprehended from one’s own experience, adopting wisdom in the sacred places of Buddhists. In Russia, Buddhism is the main religion of Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva. It is these regions and their spiritual centers that will be discussed.


Buddhism centers in Russia: spiritual recreation in your native country

The northern branch of Buddhism, whose founder was Je Tsongkhapa, is popular here. He is revered in Buryatia on a par with Buddha himself. There are some differences from other schools in rituals and tantric practice. Buryat temple complexes are called datsans, and one of the most important here is Ivolginsky. It is located near Ulan-Ude and includes 10 temples with interesting architecture, a university, enclosures with roe deer living in them, and much more. Here are also the remains of Lama Itigelov, the main teacher in all of Eastern Siberia. For almost 90 years since his departure into nirvana, the lama’s body has shown no signs of death, so Buddhists from all over the world flock here to honor the sacred teacher. It is believed that everyone who visits the Ivolginsky datsan will be granted great happiness.

Another small but popular datsan of Buryatia is Nilova Pustyn, located a few kilometers from the resort of the same name. People come here for both physical and spiritual health. According to legend, the mountain next to which the temple is located was the refuge of the main spirit of the Sayan Mountains, so this place is considered sacred. Mostly people come here who want, but for some reason cannot have children.

Buddhism centers in Russia: spiritual recreation in your native country

Of the larger ones, it is worth noting Atsagat datsan, located 50 kilometers from Ulan-Ude. It was founded in the mid-19th century and here they practiced medicine, astrology, taught children and even printed books in a local printing house. This place gave way to many famous Buddhist leaders. For example, Agvan Dorzhiev, who created the school of Tibetan medicine, came from here.


Buddhism centers in Russia: spiritual recreation in your native country

Local Buddhists belong to the Tibetan branch of Buddhism, which has a wide variety of school traditions. Also, there are no “reincarnations” here – forms of manifestation of the Buddha in the modern world. Temples in Kalmykia are called khuruls, and the central one is “Golden Abode of Buddha”. This khurul is located in the center of Elista. Its main attraction is the largest Buddha statue in Russia and Europe. When entering, you must take off your shoes and put on socks, and inside you must walk strictly clockwise. This way the energy circulation is maintained. The temple combines many functions: there is a library, a conference hall, a museum of Buddhist culture and much more.

Buddhism centers in Russia: spiritual recreation in your native country

Not far from Elista there is another interesting temple Säkyusn-Süme. The site for the construction of the khurul was personally consecrated by the Dalai Lama XIV, and after its construction, the teacher returned there to conduct a special ceremony, after which Syakusn-Sume became the abode of deities. The temple houses an impressive four-meter tall Buddha statue covered in gold. The main rule here is not to turn your back to the statue and, again, move in a clockwise direction. At the entrance to the khurul there are special drums that make wishes come true. You need to rotate them, make a wish and walk around the temple three times.


Buddhism centers in Russia: spiritual recreation in your native country

Tibetan Buddhism is also practiced in this area, the local name of the monastery is Khuree. One of the most famous Tuvan temples is called Ustuu-Khuree, it is located seven kilometers from the city of Chadan. The Tuvan alphabet was created here, and the first coin of the republic was minted. Every year the temple hosts a festival of live music and faith, which attracts thousands of people. The festival hosts concerts and song competitions, as well as a large-scale and solemn “Tsam” service with a visit to another large temple, Aldyi-Khuree.

Another famous khuree in the Republic of Tuva is Tsechenling, which means “place of boundless compassion.” Here they teach the Tibetan language, philosophy of religion, meditative practices and the basics of yoga. On the ground floor of the temple there is a room where lamas receive everyone and answer their questions. On the second floor there is a beautiful hall with an altar. The latest technologies were used in the construction of this khuree, which, however, does not prevent it from preserving the traditions of Eastern culture.

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