At the ends of the earth: a guide to the beaches and coasts of Oahu (Hawaii)

At the ends of the earth: a guide to the beaches and coasts of Oahu (Hawaii)

Probably, there is not a single person in the world who does not dream of going to Hawaii, with the exception, of course, of the lucky ones who were born there. The beauty of this paradise is that no matter how colorful the pictures your imagination paints, the reality will so exceed your expectations that after Hawaii it will simply be impossible to surprise you with the beauty of tropical nature and the ocean. Today we will talk about the most beautiful beaches and coasts of the island of Oahu.

At the ends of the earth: a guide to the beaches and coasts of Oahu (Hawaii)

The island of Oahu is the same one on which the capital of Hawaii, Honolulu, is located. During the day, it can be called an ordinary resort metropolis: 40-story hotels, shopping centers and a long beach, part of which is occupied by surfers, and the other is separated by breakwaters and given to bathers. But at night, Honolulu is transformed: all the streets are lit not by lanterns, but by real torches with live fire, and from the beach there is a breathtaking view of the glowing city and its reflection in the ocean. It’s definitely worth staying here at least on the 20th floor, renting an open-top car and driving around the island.

At the ends of the earth: a guide to the beaches and coasts of Oahu (Hawaii)

Hanauma Bay on the southeast shore of Oahu is the most popular beach for snorkeling (a type of snorkeling). It is enclosed in a rocky volcanic ring with a small strait into the ocean. A narrow path leads from the sandy beach to the cliff, and if you follow it to the end, you can see a natural stone bridge that passes directly over the raging waves. Walking on it, however, is not recommended, as a large wave that suddenly rolls in can knock you off your feet, so it’s better to admire it from a safe distance.

At the ends of the earth: a guide to the beaches and coasts of Oahu (Hawaii)

This incredibly beautiful beach with dazzling white sand is named after the famous liquor – Kahlua. The ocean there is absolutely amazing, from the shore it looks like milk was painted blue, but once you go even ankle-deep, it turns out that the water is absolutely transparent, but the temperature is exactly like fresh milk. The beach offers stunning views of the volcano, and here you can rent a kayak and swim to a small flat island 400 meters from the shore. Take shoes with you, as walking is only allowed on the sharp rocky edge of this islet, while its center is at the disposal of nesting birds.

At the ends of the earth: a guide to the beaches and coasts of Oahu (Hawaii)

If you like to dive into the water, Oahu has quite a few cliffs overhanging the bays. Including China Walls, that is, Chinese walls located near the southernmost point of the island. On days when the ocean is calm, you can jump into the water from a cliff from several levels, higher and lower. If the waves are big, the jumps become too dangerous, but you can watch the surfers from an unusual and very interesting angle. Everything looks like filming from a drone, but only live, when the heart skips a beat with the understanding that one wrong move and the person with the board will fly straight into the stones.

At the ends of the earth: a guide to the beaches and coasts of Oahu (Hawaii)

Everything in Hawaii seems so magical that, looking at the ocean, it’s easy to believe in the existence of mermaids. They would even have their own home here – the Mermaid Caves. The rock on the western shore of Nanakuli Beach Park is pierced by a network of tunnels, in the arches of which there are quite a lot of small holes. The sun’s rays break through them, illuminating the water and decorating the walls of the cave with sunbeams. The depth of the bay and the height of the vaults are small, just under human height, so you can spend at least a whole day there waiting for the mermaids, and it doesn’t matter that they probably won’t come.

At the ends of the earth: a guide to the beaches and coasts of Oahu (Hawaii)

If you happen to be in Hawaii in December, be sure to head to the north coast to watch the spectacular Billabong Pipe Masters surfing competition. All the surfing stars come here to compete for the title of world champion, and the action takes place on the most dangerous and powerful wave on the island. The event is more than interesting even for those who are far from surfing.

At the ends of the earth: a guide to the beaches and coasts of Oahu (Hawaii)

As a bonus, I would like to give you advice on how to further brighten up the already exciting road to all these places. The fertile soil of Oahu grows the sweetest and juiciest pineapples, which is why Dole plantations are located here. Along the roads of the island there are often small stalls selling both whole and already cut pineapples, and even seasoned with various spices, which is what you need for a snack on the go. Well, when you get really hungry, order, of course, Hawaiian pizza!

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