Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

In the “Cudablin” project, we send completely different people on trips at our expense! Elvira Rakhmatullina visited Stockholm: she found out what Swedish men and boys are afraid of, what fairy-tale character Swedish residents admire, and found the smallest sculpture in the city. More details in her report!

When I recognized her, I couldn’t believe it – how could it be! The most courageous men are afraid of this? The mighty descendants of the Vikings with a red beard and two meters tall have been shaking with horror since childhood, when they are told about this?! Yes, it can’t be, I thought, but, alas, it’s true.

I went to Stockholm in search of the most handsome man in his prime. And this is what I learned there…

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

So, you sent me to Stockholm with the help of an amazing project for those who love all kinds of trips – “Kudablin? Tudablin!” so that I could find the apartment of the same Carlson who lives on the roof. This turned out to be not so simple, because the data differs. Astrid Lindgren herself, when asked once again where Carlson actually lives, nodded towards this house and said that it was on its roof that he lived.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

According to another version, his house is located in the famous children’s museum Junibacken.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

But it seemed to me that after all, he lives and periodically hooligans on this picturesque roof.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

But imagine my surprise when I found out that a completely different Carlson lives in Sweden – the cute fat guy with a motor that we all know from the Soviet cartoon. Swedish Carlson is the main horror story of all boys, because from childhood, when they get naughty, they are told: “If you behave like this, you will grow up to be the same worthless fat nonentity as Carlson, who doesn’t even have a home.” Just like that! For us it’s a moderately well-fed man in the prime of life, but for them it’s an ugly homeless man with a midlife crisis on his face.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

So in his homeland, Carlson is a negative character, in general, like the Kid – a capricious spoiled brat.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

And all Swedes revere the completely unpopular Pippi Longstocking.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Despite the fact that she was a terrible slob, a shopkeeper and a slob, here all her tricks are forgiven.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

It is impossible to find a souvenir in the form of Carlson or at least his image, while Pippi is at every turn in Stockholm, in the Junibacken Museum an entire floor is dedicated to her alone.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

But I did not regret that I went to Stockholm, because my husband and I were able to fly there very cheaply – a direct flight from Aeroflot Moscow-Stockholm and back, plus accommodation in a hotel in the city center for 6 days cost us only 65 thousand rubles!

It turned out that it is quite possible to fly economically to one of the most expensive countries in Europe if you take advantage of the special offer on the OneTwoTrip website “flight + hotel”.

Purchasing a “flight + hotel” package is much cheaper than buying the same hotel and air tickets separately, because the services included in the package have special cheap rates from airlines and hotels, which are prohibited from being sold separately and which must be paid in one payment. We managed to save 11%, but this is only because we chose a hotel in the city center; if we had taken another hotel, the savings would have been 30 percent (then we would have met 50 thousand).

By the way, despite the three stars, the hotel was very cozy, in a small room there was a kettle, a hairdryer, and a small French balcony. The breakfasts are simply gorgeous, and the location is excellent – 10 minutes to the pedestrian streets, 20 minutes walk to the Old Town.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

It turns out that you can get a lot done in 6 days. See the world’s only surviving sailing ship from the early 17th century (when you look at it from below, you get goosebumps because it’s real!).

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Visit the ABBA Museum and remember the era of the 80s.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Feel like a Nobel Prize laureate, going down the very stairs along which the smartest people in the world walk.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Find out where the KGB ear is located in Stockholm.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Find an observation deck with the most fabulous views of the city.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

In the meantime, try Swedish fast food – freshly caught fish, which is fried right in front of you.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Take a walk through the most unusual open-air museum – Skansen, where a real hut on chicken legs and other unusual dwellings of the ancient Sami settled.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Taste those same Swedish meat balls with the obligatory lingonberry sauce.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Find out the secret of the smallest sculpture in Stockholm – the iron boy sitting alone in the courtyard of the Finnish Church.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Experience the beauty of Old Stockholm.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Admire industrial Stockholm.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Listen to the sound of the surf to the tales of the night city.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

And the men here are the most ordinary, the same as ours.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Moderately sporty.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Moderately well-groomed.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

Those who prefer unhealthy food.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

I didn’t notice anything special about them, except for one thing – they really love to tinker with their children.

The trip to Stockholm was unforgettable, despite the fact that childhood illusions were dispelled and I now know that Karslon is not at all the most attractive man living on the roof, but just a slacker who does not want to work.

If you have more than 1000 subscribers on one of the social networks, participate in the Kudablin project, and we will send you anywhere on the planet at our expense. Where you will go and what you will do will be decided by your subscribers.

Travel is closer than you think. Apply to Project Kudablin and you might be the next one to go on an adventure!

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Stockholm

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