Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Amsterdam

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Amsterdam

In the “Cudablin” project, we send completely different people on trips at our expense! Sonya Gudim visited Amsterdam: on instructions from her subscribers, she swam in the fountain, went all out and said goodbye to a healthy lifestyle. More details in her report!

So, let’s go. A completely uneventful Monday. Cloudy, rainy, and the sun took a day off. But there was no place to put it off, it was on this day that I went all out, officially resigned as a fitness girl and tried everything there was to try in Amsterdam.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Amsterdam

First of all, about the difficulties: there aren’t that many cool fountains in Amsterdam. They are all kind of small, unsightly, and some don’t work at all. That’s why I chose one that shoots from the ground for hooliganism. The weather was cool and somewhat unstable. Therefore, the promised bikini did not happen, but I will complete the task and arrange a swim show!

The second fear: the Europeans will not understand, I will disgrace Russia by staging a disgusting “Tagiiiil”. The Europeans really didn’t understand at first. As we can see in the first photo, the fountain is empty. But then people became interested in the process, began to spy on the wet Russian woman, and later even pulled themselves up. Taught the boys bad things!

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Amsterdam

Swimming in the fountains did not cause any excitement in me. I could walk around here naked and have sex right in the center of the city, no extreme and overcoming myself – and no one cared, including me. When it is not forbidden, I have a hard time. The bans here are generally bad, but, anticipating an irreparable transformation of my reputation in the eyes of orthodox woodpeckers, I eagerly began completing the second task, which confidently took silver in the vote. Let’s go all out, organize a total anti-healthy lifestyle. This is a real challenge. For me, a person who gets drunk from just the smell of alcohol.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Amsterdam

Guys, I don’t understand how you can drink a liter and a half of beer and stay on your feet. Literally two sips of light Amstel, and I’m ready to dance on any suitable bar counter.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Amsterdam

The beer here, as throughout Europe, is not bad, but in my opinion, there is nothing more beautiful than the dark goat served in Germany. The price tag averages from four euros for 300 ml. One more sip – and the world quickly floats away somewhere. In front of me, out of nowhere, a stamp seller materializes and smiles conspiratorially with his gold teeth. Ah, it’s just a German pensioner with a guidebook.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Amsterdam

The city is shrouded in a thin haze of fog. The wind plays with my hair and spreads the unobtrusive smell of weed everywhere. In the center there are coffee shops on every corner, for 12 euros you can buy a joint with a lighter and juice – if you want to stay in a coffee shop, you need to buy a drink. The herb barman with a playful look and skillful hands selects the required dose of the desired drug. What do you want, dear? Relax or cheer up? How do you want to do it? Powerful or light? Tyrion Lannister emerges from the canal, shakes his head disapprovingly and menacingly shakes his hand. Oh, no, he just winked at me encouragingly and gave me a thumbs up.

Do you think there are hordes of drug addicts indulging in sin under every bush? There is a strict and regulated number of coffee shops in Amsterdam. To open a new one, you need the old one to close. The government does not prohibit their storage and distribution, but it politely does not inquire about suppliers. They cannot advertise their services, sell to persons under 18 years of age, or sell more than 5 g per person. At some point, the government decided to focus all its efforts on working with severely addicted drug addicts. And leave light lovers alone. They say it will be much better if people smoke in specially designated places and in small quantities. And don’t hide in the bushes with dealers who are trying to get you hooked on something heavier. Now the main headache is nicotine. The Dutch do not like to smoke straight, they prefer to mix grass with tobacco.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Amsterdam

The Fall is a very energy-consuming process. You get so tired that at some point you start to confuse sex toys with baby rattles. There was almost an embarrassment with a souvenir =)

The evening is filled with piercing melancholy. The magic disappears somewhere, I clearly feel every cell of my tired body. I didn’t fully understand this city; I fell in love with it, but didn’t have time to understand it. A too chaotic hurricane hit him, but we will still have time to get to know each other better. We’re going to the red light district.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Amsterdam

I, of course, do not think that sex for money is anti-healthy and bad. On the contrary, it serves an important social function and helps many people maintain relationships. Legalization of prostitution is an important step from a tax point of view. Local priestesses of love regularly repay the state and retire to a well-deserved pension by the age of 50.

If you have more than 1000 subscribers on one of the social networks, participate in the Kudablin project, and we will send you anywhere on the planet at our expense. Where you will go and what you will do will be decided by your subscribers.

Travel is closer than you think. Apply to Project Kudablin and you might be the next one to go on an adventure!

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Amsterdam

Text and photo by: OneTwoTrip famous bloggers Sonya Gudim
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