Business traveler checklist after COVID19

Business traveler checklist after COVID19

During the coronavirus pandemic, business travelers had to give up work trips for a long time, or reduce them to a minimum. This largely affected foreign business trips due to the suspension of air traffic and the ban on the entry of foreign citizens, but during peak periods, internal travel was also at risk. 

Now, due to mass vaccination, the pandemic is on the decline, and it is already possible to make predictions about what travel will look like after coronavirus. Many experts agree that some of the restrictions and safety measures introduced during the pandemic may remain with us for a long time. In this article we provide several recommendations on how to competently organize a business trip in new conditions.

Plan all the details of your trip carefully

First of all, it is necessary to collect information about the current situation in the country or region of destination. It is important to make sure that a total lockout has not been introduced there, there is transport connectivity, entry is allowed for foreigners (if the trip is foreign) and the likelihood of strict restrictions being introduced during the trip is minimal. 

It is also useful to clarify the conditions for entry into the country, as they may constantly change. For example, a negative coronavirus test result is required upon entry into most countries.

Of course, no one is immune from force majeure circumstances, but collecting detailed information will help avoid many troubles.

Buy refundable tickets

The risks of traveling after the pandemic still remain high, so it makes sense to purchase tickets with the possibility of free return or transfer. 

Although many airlines are ready to refund part of the cost of tickets when flights are canceled due to the introduction of a lockdown or suspension of air traffic, there is no uniform refund policy. In addition, if the event is canceled, even due to the introduction of anti-Covid restrictions, there will be no reason to return the ticket. 

So buying tickets at a refundable rate will help you save money and reduce risks in times of uncertainty.   

Take out insurance

For most trips abroad, medical insurance is mandatory. However, many people consider taking out insurance for domestic travel as something redundant on which they can save money. But the experience of the pandemic and increased risks force us to reconsider these ideas. 
Now many insurance companies include in their policies coverage of insurance claims related to Covid-19 disease. It may also be beneficial for a company to take out insurance for an employee, since insurance premiums will be taken into account when calculating income taxes.      

Follow WHO recommendations

Most anti-Covid recommendations remain in force even after the pandemic subsides, as they help counter the spread of infections and diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. 

Therefore, it is still important to maintain social distance, regularly wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic, wear a mask in crowded places, and if you feel unwell, refrain from personal meetings. 

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