Where can you move from Russia?

Where can you move from Russia?

Today, many are attracted not only by travel, but also by the possibility of a change of scenery and living abroad for some time. If you are looking for where you can fly from Russia – or go by train or car – this article will definitely come in handy. In it we talk in detail about the countries where you can leave Russia – for a couple of weeks or for a longer period. We clarified the entry rules and selected cities that are comfortable for living with housing prices.


Where can you move from Russia?

This is one of the first options that comes to mind when thinking about where you can go from Russia without a visa. Many Russians have moved to Armenia in recent years. There are enough advantages of living in the country, from simple entry (more on that a little later) to the absence of a language barrier: more than half of the population speak Russian well. The locals are also very hospitable and friendly towards guests. Many travelers, having arrived here once, walked around Yerevan, traveled through colorful villages and tried the national cuisine, begin to seriously think about moving.

And, of course, one cannot fail to note the local climate. In Armenia, the sun shines almost all year round and there is almost no wind – thanks to the mountains surrounding the country. Rains are also rare, and winters are warm, the temperature rarely drops below zero – but, however, summers are also very hot. 

How to get there

There are regular direct flights from Russia to Yerevan. One-way tickets can be found from 6,500* rubles, the journey takes 3 hours 45 minutes.

Entry rules

Armenia is on the list of countries where you can travel from Russia without a passport. A visa is also not needed if you stay in the country for up to 180 days within one year. If you plan to stay for more than 30 days, you need to register at your place of stay – to do this, just come with your passport and rental agreement to the migration police department.

In Armenia, there are two options to obtain a temporary residence permit: open an individual entrepreneur in the country or get a job in a company that is registered in the country. You can also get a study visa valid for 1 year.

All restrictions on entry into the country related to COVID-19 have been lifted.


Where can you move from Russia?

The capital of Armenia, the largest and most comfortable city in the country. It is in Yerevan that travelers usually arrive. Many people are surprised by how calm and relaxed the lifestyle is here: it feels like all the locals are on vacation, no one is in a hurry or in a hurry. Yerevan has many beautiful streets and parks, hundreds of nice cafes and restaurants, and an active nightlife. In general, this is a capital without the crazy rush typical of megacities, so many people call moving here very comfortable.

Where to stay: four-star Opera Suite Hotel (rated 9.0 out of 10). Cost from 8,500* rubles for spacious apartments for two.


Where can you move from Russia?

The second largest city in Armenia, Gyumri was able to preserve its pre-revolutionary appearance. It surprises with its originality and color, the beauty of the streets and the famous Armenian humor. The historical center of Gyumri, built in the 19th century, amazes with its beautiful buildings made of red and black tuff. The city is quite touristy, but at the same time it is comfortable for life: there are many shops, cafes and restaurants, there are parks and all the necessary infrastructure. Prices are lower than in Yerevan.

Where to stay:Vale hotel&restaurant complex (rating 9.1 out of 10). Cost from 2,500* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

Russians usually choose Yerevan or Gyumri to live, but there are other good options in the country. For example, a resort town 100 km north of the capital. Dilijan is quite small (18,000 people live here) and has an even more relaxed atmosphere. It is also a significant cultural center of Armenia: many artists, filmmakers and composers still live in the city. Dilijan also has beautiful streets in the center, low-rise buildings and stunning nature, because the city is located on the territory of a nature reserve and has the status of a national park. There are mountains, forests and ponds around the city, and Lake Sevan can be reached in half an hour.

Where to stay: family hotel CHALET DILIJAN Hotel & Restaurant (rating 9.1 out of 10). Cost from 8,300* rubles for two for a large suite.


Where can you move from Russia?

The largest country in the Transcaucasus, bordering Russia and located on the shores of the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan attracts many travelers – and some of them decide to stay here forever. The country’s economy is still actively developing, and living prices are lower than in Russia. There are enough advantages for moving: easy entry for Russians, the presence of a warm sea nearby, the absence of a language barrier (many Azerbaijanis know Russian well). You can also communicate in English, but signs and menus are usually only in Azerbaijani.

Many people are also attracted by the mild climate. There are no harsh winters with low sub-zero temperatures in Azerbaijan, but if you miss snow, you can always go to the mountains. It’s not for nothing that the country is called Sunny Azerbaijan: there are minimal cloudy days here. The nature of the country is beautiful and diverse, there are mountains, and the sea, and many national parks and reserves with unique plants – there is a forest on the territory of Azerbaijan that has been growing since the Cenozoic era.

How to get there

Regular flights fly to Baku from Russia. One-way tickets can be found from 16,000 rubles, the journey from Moscow will take 3–4 hours depending on the airline chosen (Aeroflot flies a little longer than Azerbaijan Airlines).

Entry rules

Azerbaijan is another country where you can go without a visa from Russia, but you will need a foreign passport. Russians can stay here for up to 90 days, after which it is enough to leave the country and return – and the countdown will begin again. 

If you plan to spend more than 15 days in Azerbaijan, you need to register at your place of stay: to do this, fill out an application form and prepare a copy of your passport (including pages with visas and a stamp on your last entry into Azerbaijan). With this package of documents, you must contact the migration service in Baku or one of its regional offices within 10 days after entry. You can also send documents online, through the electronic services section on the migration portal.

All restrictions on entry into the country related to COVID-19 have been lifted.


Where can you move from Russia?

The capital of Azerbaijan is located directly on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Here you will find an amazing combination of a modern city with medieval streets and unusual architecture – Persian, Turkic, European and Soviet motifs can be found in Baku. Locals say that the West meets the East here. Here you can stay in a real caravanserai, and then go for a walk to the futuristic-looking Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center – a building with almost no straight lines. The city has plenty of cafes, restaurants and shops, including European brands. Cultural life is also rich: there are museums and galleries, there are theaters and a philharmonic society. 

Where to stay: Seven Rooms Boutique Hotel (rated 9.3 out of 10). Cost from 6,400* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

Most often, Russians choose Baku to move, but we advise you to take a closer look at other options. Ganja, which some may know under its former name Kirovobad, is the second largest city in Azerbaijan. Once upon a time, the Great Silk Road passed here, and since ancient times Ganja was famous for its artisans who made ceramics, carpets and jewelry. In general, this is an ancient and very beautiful city with a rich history.

Where to stay: four-star Premium Hotel Ganja (rating 9.6 out of 10). Price from 6,900* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

Another ancient city of Azerbaijan, Lankaran is located on the shores of the Caspian Sea south of Baku, near the border with Iran. It is believed that people settled here 4–5 thousand years ago, and the city itself arose around the 10th century BC. Today it is a wonderful resort with clean sea and delicious tea. Not far from Lankaran there are thermal springs, where people come to be treated in the waters.

Where to stay: Starway Hotel (rated 8.8 out of 10). Cost from 3,400* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

This country attracts many Russians: they come here to relax at the Dead Sea resorts or explore the sights, and then, if possible, stay forever. There are several advantages to living in Israel. Most of our compatriots are attracted by a very high standard of living, excellent medicine and good education. A separate advantage is the level of support from the state: for example, immigrants have access to free language courses and various subsidies.

And Israel also has a comfortable climate with warm winters and sultry summers. The country has three seas at once, has its own desert and even mountains. So residents have access to a variety of recreational activities within their country.

How to get there

From Russia you can find regular flights to Tel Aviv. Prices for a one-way ticket start from 23,000* rubles, the minimum travel time is 5 hours 10 minutes (direct flight, but tickets are twice as expensive). If you fly with transfers, be prepared for a journey of at least 8 hours.

Entry rules

Israel is on the list of countries where you can move from Russia without much difficulty. If you plan to stay in the country for up to 90 days, you will not need a visa – but the maximum period in this case is 180 days, and you will not be able to make a visaran (leave and enter back)

If you want to stay in Israel for a long time, there are three options for obtaining a residence permit or citizenship in the country: repatriation (issuing an Israeli passport through the restoration of family ties), naturalization (obtaining citizenship after three years of stay in the country without leaving and passing special exams) or marriage with an Israeli citizen. Another way is to find an employer who will not only want to hire you, but will also sign a long-term contract and confirm with the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs that you are a unique and irreplaceable specialist. True, in this case you will not receive citizenship, only a work visa.

All COVID-19 restrictions on entry into the country have been lifted, but tourists must take out medical insurance that covers treatment for coronavirus infection. It can be checked upon boarding the flight or upon arrival.

If you are traveling as a tourist and want to be allowed into the country without any problems, we recommend that you have a return ticket, proof of solvency and accommodation reservation.

Tel Aviv

Where can you move from Russia?

Many Russians are considering this city to move to Israel. It’s very different from the rest of the country: a bustling metropolis with trendy coffee shops and interesting shops. The cost of living here is high even by Israeli standards, but you find yourself in the center of the party. At the same time, the city is located on the seashore and is very comfortable to live in. 

Where to stay: apart-hotel Residence 26 (rating 8.3 out of 10). Cost from 7,900* rubles for an apartment for two.


Where can you move from Russia?

A nice resort town, relatively new and very urbanized. There are many high-rise buildings, shops and cafes, and there is a sea and a beach. Netanya is chosen by many migrants from Russia, often families with children, so the Russian language is often heard on the streets, and it will not be difficult for you to make friends. Residents consider Netanya one of the cleanest and most beautiful cities in Israel with a reasonable ratio of housing costs and comfort.

Where to stay: Kikar Boutique Hotel (rated 8.1 out of 10). Cost from 9,100* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

A port city, the third most populous in Israel (after Jerusalem and Tel Aviv). It is also often chosen by Russians for relocation due to its low housing prices, a wide range of employment options (many large companies have offices here) and good education (one of the most prestigious technical universities in the world is located in the city). In addition, many Russian-speaking people live here, there is even a Russian diaspora.

Where to stay: boutique apartment hotel Urbanica Carmel (rated 9.7 out of 10). Cost from 8,400* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

Those who are looking for where to go for permanent residence from Russia are increasingly considering this European country. Today, legalization in Spain is relatively easy (more on that below). This warm, sunny country is chosen for its comfortable climate, excellent recreation opportunities, good ecology and high standard of living. In addition, travelers are attracted by the relaxedness and friendliness of the Spaniards – they just want to join them.

How to get there

Several airlines fly to Spain from Russia, although there are no direct flights. Ticket prices to Madrid start from 30,000* rubles, the minimum travel time is 11 hours. You can fly to Barcelona from 40,000* rubles for a one-way ticket and a minimum of 10 hours.

Entry rules

To enter Spain you will need a Schengen visa, but today it has the simplest conditions for obtaining it. You can stay in the country for up to 90 days within a period of 180 days.

At the same time, today it is quite easy to stay in Spain for permanent residence: in recent months, it has been quite easy for Russians to obtain a residence permit here. To do this, you need to document a minimum income of 2,200 € per month for one person (for a family of two – 3,025 €) and present a work contract with a validity period of at least 3 months (the employer can be located in Russia, even self-employment is suitable). There are also more common types of residence permits and visas – study, family reunification, investments in real estate and the economy.

All COVID-19 restrictions on entry into Spain have been lifted.


Where can you move from Russia?

The capital of Catalonia makes almost everyone who comes here fall in love with it. It is not surprising that when moving to Spain, many Russians choose Barcelona. You need to understand that immigration and tourism are different concepts, but life in the city is generally very comfortable. There is the sea, many attractions, and excellent shops. The infrastructure is well developed and adaptation goes smoothly. Difficulties can only arise with finding housing at low prices and with the language – in addition to Spanish, many here use Catalan, which is somewhat different. But if you know English, everything will be fine: it is spoken by many people in Barcelona. 

Where to stay: Guest house Hostal Badaloní (rating 8.4 out of 10). Cost from 10,800* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

The capital of Spain is a large metropolis that differs from the relaxed tourist cities of the country. It’s not close to the sea, and in the summer it’s very hot here, but nevertheless, many choose Madrid to move to, although there are few Russians in the city. Those who love active city life and are looking for a comfortable city with a high standard of living will like it here.

Where to stay: hostal Olmedo (rated 8.4 out of 10). Cost from 6,100* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

This city is the capital of the eastern province of Spain. Valencia is considered to be one of the largest and most developed regions in the country. The city has a rich history, developed tourism and excellent infrastructure. The surrounding area has both beautiful beaches and mountains. And in Valencia they make the best paella – this is where this dish was invented.

Where to stay: 7 Moons Bed & Breakfast (rating 8.2 out of 10). Cost from 7,200* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

This country is a good option for moving for those who do not have a passport and visa, and also have some financial restrictions. Most of the stereotypes about Kazakhstan have long been unfounded: today the standard of living in large cities like Astana or Almaty is comparable to Russian megacities, but a family will need a smaller budget. Other advantages include very beautiful nature and a variety of options for travel and leisure.

The climate in Kazakhstan is sharply continental. This means that in summer it is very hot and dry, with daytime temperatures regularly rising to +30 °C, and in some regions up to +50 °C. In winter there is quite a strong minus, and snow falls very rarely.

How to get there

There are direct flights from Russia to Kazakhstan. You can find tickets to Astana from 10,000* rubles (one-way price), the journey takes only 3 hours. You can fly to Almaty for 12,000* rubles and 4 hours 30 minutes.

Kazakhstan is one of the countries that can be reached by train from Russia: trains run to Almaty from Saratov, Novosibirsk and Kazan. You can also get to Atyrau from Astrakhan or Karaganda from Samara or Omsk.

Entry rules

Russians do not need a visa to visit Kazakhstan; moreover, the country is one of those where you can go without a Russian passport. You can stay on the territory for up to 90 days, but if you plan to spend more than 30 there, you need to obtain a temporary residence permit (TRP).

To obtain a temporary residence permit, special grounds are required. This could be official work in the country, family reunification, study, treatment, business immigration or missionary activity (for example, religious). RVPs are issued at the branches of the NJSC “State Corporation Government for Citizens” or on the e-government website. The reason to stay in the country will have to be documented: provide an employment contract, a certificate from an educational institution, a marriage certificate with a citizen of Kazakhstan, and so on. You will also need an application for issuing a temporary residence permit, a copy of your international passport and documents confirming temporary residence in Kazakhstan.

All restrictions on entry into Kazakhstan related to COVID-19 have been lifted.


Where can you move from Russia?

The capital of Kazakhstan, its cultural and economic center. The standard of living here is high and quite comparable to large Russian cities: infrastructure, services and transport are well developed, there is enough entertainment and events. There are many offices of international companies here, so it will be relatively easy to find a job. And the city is actively growing and being built up, so it’s quite easy to rent an excellent apartment in a new building at an affordable price.

Where to stayi: Elite Apart-Hotel (rating 9.3 out of 10). Cost from 5,200* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

This city was the capital until 1997, and today many Russians choose it to move to. And this is not surprising: Almaty is a clean and cozy city with a well-developed infrastructure and stunning natural places around (and some remarkable canyons and parks are located within the city). By the standards of a metropolis, it is very green here. If you are looking for a combination of the conveniences of a big city and the peace and quiet of small settlements, you will definitely like it here.

Where to stay: four-star Renion Park Hotel (rated 9.1 out of 10). Cost from 9,200* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

The third most important city in the country (after Astana and Almaty) and one of the fastest growing and actively developing. It is very beautiful here, there are many attractions and a developed infrastructure: enough schools, a good level of medicine. The downside is that the climate is sharply continental, so be prepared for cold winters and hot summers. Also, the level of salaries in the city itself is low, but if you work remotely, this will not affect you in any way; on the contrary, you will be pleased with the low prices for housing and food.

Where to stay: four-star Atyrau Dastan Hotel (rating 8.6 out of 10). Cost from 5,500* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

Many of our fellow citizens, when choosing where to leave Russia, choose the UAE, and specifically Dubai. There are many Russians in the city, excellent opportunities for living and working. However, you need to take into account that the price level here is very high. Also, the UAE is a Muslim country, and outside of the rather secular Dubai this is very noticeable.

There are nuances with the local climate. There is no winter here in the generally accepted sense; even in January the average daily temperature is +24 °C. But in summer the thermometer shows about +40 °C. It’s a little more comfortable in Fujairah, but Russians very rarely choose this city to move to.

How to get there

Flydubai, Emirates and Aeroflot fly directly from Moscow to Dubai. One-way tickets can be found from 10,000* rubles, the journey takes 5 hours 30 minutes.

Entry rules

Tourists from Russia do not need a visa to enter the UAE; without it, you can stay in the country for 90 days (within a 180-day period). Upon arrival, your passport will be stamped free of charge. Visitors do not work in the country: when three months are up, you will not be able to leave for a short time and enter back.

If you want to stay in the UAE for a long time, there are several options. You can get a so-called golden visa for 10 years: it is given to investors who have bought real estate in the country worth more than 2,000,000 dirhams ($545,000). There is also a green visa: a new type of residence for 5 years, which is issued to businessmen, qualified specialists and freelancers. The only restriction: holders of a green visa cannot leave the country for a period of more than 6 months, otherwise the residence permit will be cancelled. And a visa for three years is given to those who buy housing in Dubai costing from 750,000 dirhams ($205,000) – you can purchase from 1 to 3 properties. This visa can be extended as long as the property is owned by the investor.

Entry restrictions related to COVID-19 have been lifted, but health insurance may be required at the border.


Where can you move from Russia?

In recent years, a whole Russian community has formed in the city, there are Russian schools and kindergartens, and local chats will always help newcomers. When moving to Dubai, you should take into account the peculiarities of the local climate – it is very hot here almost all year round, which is not suitable for everyone. In addition, it is difficult to live in the city without a car: there are practically no sidewalks or pedestrian crossings, and often a car is the only way to get somewhere. The standard of living in Dubai is very high, but it also requires considerable expenses.

Where to stay: three-star Rove Dubai Marina Hotel (rated 9.0 out of 10). Cost from 6,800* rubles for a double room.

Abu Dhabi

Where can you move from Russia?

The capital of the UAE is considered for moving a little less often than Dubai. However, this is also a very comfortable city to live in, with developed infrastructure, an excellent education system and medicine. Housing prices here are very high, but food prices in supermarkets are relatively low. Please note that there are fewer expats and tourists in the city, so it may be a little more difficult to adapt after moving.

Where to stay: three-star Uptown Hotel Apartments Abu Dhabi (rated 8.0 out of 10). Cost from 4,600* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

Sharjah is the third largest emirate in the UAE. It’s much quieter (and cheaper) than Dubai and Abu Dhabi. But at the same time, the city is distinguished by strict morals – for example, alcohol is completely prohibited here, you also need to watch your clothes (no shorts or T-shirts in public places). 

Where to stay: four-star Golden Tulip Hotel Apartments (rated 8.2 out of 10). Cost from 5,200* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

Serbia is another country where you can emigrate from Russia and have a great job there. You won’t need many documents to move, and Serbia itself is very comfortable. Local residents are loyal to Russians, and prices for housing and food in the country are very encouraging. In addition, it is quite easy to open a bank account here, which is also important. In large cities there are stores of popular foreign brands, and the level of service is also quite high. In Belgrade and Novi Sad you can easily find compatriots; the Russian-speaking community is quite large and friendly.

The climate of Serbia is similar to the southern part of Russia: winters here rarely drop below -5 °C, and summers are warm, even hot. The country has stunningly diverse nature: many forests, lakes and mountains. There is no sea, but from Serbia it is easy and inexpensive to travel to other countries.

How to get there

Regular flights fly from Moscow to Belgrade. Prices for one-way tickets start from 40,000* rubles. There are no direct flights; you will have to make a transfer in Istanbul, Dubai or other cities (depending on the chosen airline). The minimum travel time is 10 hours.

Entry rules

To enter Serbia, Russian citizens only need a foreign passport. You can stay in the country for up to 30 days without a visa, and to reset this period, you just need to leave for one day, after which the month will be counted again.

If you want to stay in Serbia for a long time, but are not ready to travel regularly, you can apply for a visa in advance or apply for a residence permit. It is easy to obtain a type C visa – with it you can stay in the country for up to 90 days within six months. You just need to provide documents confirming your hotel reservation.

If you buy real estate in Serbia, plan to study or officially work, you can apply for a type D visa (for 180 days), you will only need to provide supporting documents, for example, an extract from the cadastre. 

Within 24 hours of entering the country, you must register at your place of stay – this even applies to tourist trips. You will be automatically checked in at the hotel, and if you plan to rent, contact the owner for help. Registration is completed at the police department at the place of residence or on the official portal.

All restrictions on entry into Serbia related to COVID-19 have been lifted.


Where can you move from Russia?

The capital of Serbia is not too big and very friendly. But there are problems typical for many capitals: traffic jams, a lot of bustle and noise (even despite the fact that Serbs are generally quite relaxed people). In addition, some complain about litter and widespread smoking – in Serbia it is allowed in public places. Housing prices have increased in the last year, but are still quite low by Russian standards. In addition, Belgrade has very tasty and cheap products. 

Where to stay: four-star Belgrade City Hotel (rated 8.3 out of 10). Cost from 5,900* rubles for a double room.

Novi Sad

Where can you move from Russia?

The second largest city after Belgrade, Novi Sad is located in the north and is considered more Europeanized, quiet and calm than the capital. It is constantly growing and developing, and IT workers also feel great here, because many offices of IT companies are located in Novi Sad. Life in Novi Sad is comfortable and inexpensive. The locals are very friendly, and now it’s easy to find emigrants from Russia, thanks to whom it will be easier to get used to life in another city.

Where to stay:four-star hotel Garni Hotel Centar (rating 9.2 out of 10). Cost from 7,500* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

The largest city in southern Serbia, the third largest in the country. Niš can rarely be found on the list of destinations where you can move from Russia, but it is very comfortable for living. In general, this is a place with a rich history: it is believed that Nis is the oldest city in the Balkans. There are several good resorts in the surrounding area. Prices for housing and food are lower than in the capital.

Where to stay: three-star Hotel Sole (rated 9.4 out of 10). Cost from 4,900* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

Russian travelers love this warm country – and many, after living here for a couple of months or staying for the winter, want to move to Thailand for good. Today it is relatively easy for Russians to do this. The cost of living depends on the chosen city or island, and you also need to take into account that Thailand has been actively developing and changing recently. Education in the country is quite good, and it is also believed that there is excellent medicine – although very expensive, so it is worth purchasing insurance. 

Most Russians are attracted by the local climate and nature. In Thailand there are no winters with sub-zero temperatures, and the rainy seasons are not difficult to get used to. In addition, the country’s territory is diverse, and you can regularly change cities for greater comfort. But prices, after the rise in the dollar exchange rate, are no longer as attractive as they were several years ago.

How to get there

Tickets from Moscow to Bangkok can be found for 26,000* rubles (one way). There are regular flights from Russia to the country, there are also direct flights from Aeroflot (the journey takes 9 hours), but ticket prices start from 60,000* rubles. With a transfer you can fly in at least 14 hours.

Entry rules

Russians need only a foreign passport valid for at least 6 months to enter Thailand. Thus, Tai is also included in the list of countries where you can move to live from Russia without a visa. 

You can stay in Thailand without a visa for up to 45 days (it has been increased, previously it was 30 days). It is very difficult for foreigners to obtain citizenship, but there are many long-term visas that will allow you to stay in Thailand for a long time. There are student, work and retirement visas. But the previously popular visaran or borderrun – traveling to neighboring countries and obtaining other types of visas there – may not work after the laws are tightened.

The country has a Smart Visa program created to attract highly qualified personnel, entrepreneurs and investors to Thailand. This visa allows you to stay for up to 4 years, and it is not necessary to obtain a separate work permit. There are separate visas for startups (6 months, 1 year or 2 years). You can also get an investor visa by investing a certain amount in a local company or purchasing real estate.

All COVID-19 related entry restrictions into Thailand have been lifted.


Where can you move from Russia?

The island, beloved by Russian tourists, is not surprising that many choose it for moving. Here you can find a variety of accommodation at reasonable prices, many restaurants and cafes, as well as luxurious beaches. In addition, Phuket has a very active Russian community, which adds pluses. 

Where to stay:three-star hotel BAAN125 STAY (rating 9.7 out of 10). Cost from 6,700* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

A large city on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand. It is a good choice for families with children, although Pattaya also has a very active nightlife. Here you can find good and inexpensive housing: local residents say that Pattaya has the maximum choice in the country. There are many supermarkets and shopping centers, well-developed public transport, the city offers a lot of entertainment, interesting events are regularly held. 

Where to stay: four-star Holiday Inn Express Pattaya Central (rated 8.7 out of 10). Cost from 3,800* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

It is believed that Thailand is all about the sea and beaches, but there is also an active metropolis, one of the most modern in the world. Those who love city life and want to build their own business or work for a large international company remain in Bangkok, the capital of the country.

Many people, when Bangkok is mentioned, do not understand how you can move to Thailand and stay in Bangkok, and not at sea. It’s actually easy. They say it is a city of opportunity and endless inspiration. The standard of living and service here is higher than on the islands, but you will also need a larger budget.

Where to stay: four-star Baiyoke Sky Hotel (rated 8.3 out of 10). Cost from 7,700* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

This is one of the most popular countries for moving among Russians. Russian travelers love Turkey, and many are happy to stay here longer. It is attracted by the easy entry (more on this below), the low cost of living and the good attitude of local residents towards Russians. Delicious fruits and vegetables are available here all year round at low prices, there is a sea, many attractions and leisure options, and it’s also easy to travel from Turkey.

The local climate deserves special mention: there are no cold winters in the country, and the beach season begins in May. The only difficulty is the language: learning Turkish is not so easy. But in large cities, many locals speak English.

How to get there

Tickets from Moscow to Istanbul can be found for 12,000* rubles (one way), direct flights, the journey takes 5 hours. There are tickets to Antalya for 13,000* rubles, the flight takes the same 5 hours.

Entry rules

Türkiye is another country where you can go without a visa from Russia. To get to Turkey, a foreign passport is enough. Without a visa, Russian citizens can stay in the country for up to 90 days during each 180-day period, but only 60 days continuously. After this period has expired, you can leave Turkey and return for another 30 days.

If you want to stay in Turkey, after two months in the country you can apply for a residence permit. And after five years of continuous residence, you can apply for citizenship. There are several types of residence permits, from short-term tourist Ikamet (quite easy to obtain, issued for up to 12 months) to family or university residence permits. 

All entry restrictions to Turkey related to COVID-19 have been lifted.


Where can you move from Russia?

The most Europeanized city in Turkey, which many Russians choose for permanent living. Istanbul has many housing options (especially in residential areas, where the infrastructure is also well developed), low food prices, active nightlife and a huge selection of entertainment. Expats also note excellent and inexpensive healthcare.

Where to stay: three-star Blue Istanbul Hotel (rating 9.8 out of 10). Cost from 4,700* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

Many people perceive Antalya solely as a holiday city, with nothing but all-inclusive hotels, but it is an active modern metropolis. Of course, there are excellent beaches, attractions, and many recreational opportunities, but everyday life in Antalya is very comfortable. Housing and food prices here are relatively low, but the standard of living, on the contrary, is high.

Where to stay: Adam Apart Hotel (rated 9.3 out of 10). Cost from 5,000* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

This city in the west of the country, on the shores of the Aegean Sea, is considered one of the most comfortable to live in Turkey. The third largest in the country, it is actively growing and developing, striving to become a metropolis, but at the same time remaining calm and relaxed. There are low prices, excellent infrastructure and many opportunities for business growth.

Where to stay: four-star Zeniva Hotel (rating 8.8 out of 10). Cost from 10,700* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

This country is an excellent option for those who are looking for a place to leave Russia. It is quite easy for our fellow citizens to move here, having collected a minimum of documents, and there will be no problems with the language, because 80% of the population speaks Russian, and many documents are duplicated in it. The price level is also attractive: housing and food in Uzbekistan are cheaper than in Russia, so at first you will not need too much of a financial cushion.

In addition, Uzbekistan is a very beautiful country with a rich history, good opportunities for domestic travel, pleasant climate and weather conditions.

How to get there

Regular flights fly to Uzbekistan from Russia; you can get to Tashkent by plane. Prices for one-way tickets start from 12,000* rubles, the journey takes 3 hours 40 minutes.

Uzbekistan is also on the list of countries where you can travel from Russia by train. There is a railway connection between Tashkent and Samara, Volgograd and Novosibirsk. The ticket price and travel time depend on the chosen direction. For example, you can travel from Samara to Tashkent for 13,000 rubles, spending 1 day on the road 

Entry rules

Russian citizens can stay in Uzbekistan without a visa for up to 60 days. At the same time, you won’t be able to enter the country with a Russian passport—you need a foreign passport. If you plan to stay in Uzbekistan, after checking in, register at your place of stay. The hotel will do this automatically, but if you rent housing in the private sector, you will have to collect and submit documents yourself. This must be done within 15 days from the date of entry at the migration and citizenship offices (they are also called passport offices or OVIR). Registration is issued for a period of up to 6 months, after which it can be extended. There are no restrictions on the length of stay in the country for Russian citizens at the time of writing.

All restrictions on entry into Uzbekistan related to COVID-19 have been lifted.


Where can you move from Russia?

The capital of Uzbekistan is a beautiful and comfortable city for living. The infrastructure here is well developed, and the weather is pleasant at any time of the year: in winter the temperature rises to +15 °C, and Tashkent is protected from strong winds by mountains. Local markets sell fresh and very tasty fruits and vegetables, and the prices are pleasantly surprising. Russians who moved to Tashkent cite a relaxed life and the amazing hospitality of the locals, which help them adapt, among the advantages. 

Where to stay: four-star Wyndham Tashkent hotel (rating 8.6 out of 10). Cost from 11,100* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

A city with a rich history – it is believed that Bukhara is more than two and a half thousand years old. There are many beautiful mosques, minarets, madrassas and tombs. The city is considered a global pillar of Islam, but people of other religions will also feel comfortable here. Of course, the infrastructure in Bukhara is not as well developed as in the capital or in large Russian cities, but if you are attracted by a calm, measured life, you will like the city.

Where to stay: Malika Hotel (rating 8.9 out of 10). Cost from 4,200* rubles for a double room.


Where can you move from Russia?

This is one of the oldest cities in the world. For many hundreds of years there was active trade between East and West, and after Samarkand became the center of science and culture of Uzbekistan. It is incredibly beautiful here and always feels like you are in an open-air museum. Life in Samarkand is comfortable, the prices for housing and food are especially pleasing.

Where to stay: four-star hotel “L’Argamak” (rating 8.9 out of 10). Cost from 8,100* rubles for a double room.


We talked about ten countries that are great not only for traveling, but also for trying to live there for a while. We hope this article was useful to you, and you were able to decide where you can move to live from Russia without a visa. And plane or train tickets and a hotel for the first time can be found on OneTwoTrip.

*Prices are current at the time of publication

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