Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

On the Kamchatka Peninsula everyone is becoming receptive to beauty, even if they weren’t before. This region is an inexhaustible source of unforgettable emotions, given by the pristine, harsh nature and local legends that give the region a special flavor. You will contemplate magnificent mountain landscapes, endless sea expanses, mysterious geysers and majestic hidden volcanoes. Some of the places you will visit are already familiar to you from social networks, but on the way to them you will encounter a lot of unknown and mysterious things, so that later you can call this trip a journey to the ends of the world.

In Kamchatka they usually stop in one of three settlements: the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the villages of Paratunka and Svetly.

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is the main city of the peninsula. It has a large number of hotels with good service, there are several natural attractions in the surrounding area, and organized excursion groups regularly go to more distant ones. This option is suitable for those who prefer to relax closer to the benefits of civilization.

Between excursions outside Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, you will have something to see in the city itself:

  • Nikolskaya Sopka. From the top of the hill there is a view of Avacha Bay and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky itself. There is a forest of holm birches, some of which are older than the city.
  • Central square. You descend from Nikolskaya Hill and find yourself on it. Here are the main buildings and monuments of the city, for example the stele “Heroes of Military Glory”. Everything that you usually see on postcards with views of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
  • Lake Kultuchnoe. From its banks you can look at the city “climbing” the hills. There is also a monument to his patrons – Peter and Paul. Behind the sculpture you can see the top of the Avachinsky volcano.
  • Steller sea lions rookeries. Mostly these animals, listed in the Red Book, gather on old piers in Mokhovaya Bay. They are located in open areas and you can get quite close to them.

Hotels in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

Mini-hotel (Bed and Breakfast) “Commander” – per night for two from 4,000 rubles.

Hotel “Chief of Kamchatka” (city center) – per night for two from 5,200 rubles.

Guest house Bay House (on the shore of Avacha Bay) – per night for two from 7,700 rubles.

The village of Paratunka will be convenient if you want to explore volcanoes – they are nearby. We recommend staying at the Lesnaya recreation center. One night in a room for two will cost from 5,800 rubles.

The village of Svetly is famous for its authentic atmosphere. It is located near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (about 20 km), Avachinskaya Bay and Vilyuchinsky volcano. Having settled in one of the bungalows of the Derevenka guest house, located in the forest, you will thoroughly immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the peninsula. A night in a room for two will cost you from 9,000 rubles.

What to see in Kamchatka

Avacha Bay

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

The “Gateway” of the Kamchatka Territory, the second largest bay in the world. Its size is difficult to imagine, you need to see it. When travelers get here, they note the color of the area and call the bay the pearl of the peninsula. Walk along the shore and admire the cliffs along the shores. Despite the harsh climate, even in winter the sea surface of Avachinskaya is not covered with ice. The rocks surrounding it begin in the underwater part and fill almost the entire area near the shore, giving it an unusual and mysterious look that is impossible to tear yourself away from. In some places there are also pebble beaches; you can walk along them for a long time, admiring the expanses of the sea. And lovers of fishing and diving can indulge in their hobbies here: the conditions are the most suitable.

Three Brothers Rocks

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

The main attraction of Avacha Bay is located right in the middle, at the entrance to it. Three pillar-shaped rocks protrude from the water and, of course, have a beautiful legend. It says that in ancient times the coast was constantly destroyed due to storms – this is how the sea deity frolicked, sending huge waves to human settlements. Three strong and courageous brother heroes went out into the bay and closed the entrance to the bay, making it safe. You can admire the natural monument from a special observation deck or get up close on a boat during a sea excursion.

Home volcanoes

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

They can be seen from anywhere in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, they seem to be guarding the city, for which the residents gave them such an affectionate nickname. Avachinsky, Kozelsky, Koryaksky, Vilyuchinsky, Mutnovsky, Gorely, Arik and Aag – almost all of them are active. And everyone deserves to get to know him better. Booking an excursion with a group or a personal guide to any volcano is quite simple. The trip may take several days, depending on how many volcanoes you want to visit and whether you plan to climb – this is also possible. You will not only get close to the craters, but also see stunning Kamchatka panoramas with volcanoes, hills, geysers and valleys from above.

Commander Islands

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

A small archipelago surrounded by the ocean. And its main feature is animals that are not afraid of people. Here you can visit a large rookery of marine mammals – fur seals, sea lions, sea otters, look at a huge colony of seabirds – mossocks, cormorants, puffins, see whales, walk among steep black rocks and traces of lava flows, wander through the tundra, rich in mushrooms and berries , visit the Commander’s calling card – the Steller’s Arch rock. Many travelers note that visiting these islands  — it’s like being at the end of the world.

Valley of Geysers

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

One of the largest geyser fields on the planet, but at the same time very compact. Several hundred bubbling springs, geysers and mud pots are located in a relatively small area, close to each other, which also gives the place an external uniqueness. At certain intervals, fountains of hot water and steam burst out of the ground with a roar, rising in a column tens of meters. Sudden, beautiful and powerful jets erupt and then disappear, the clouds of steam dissipate, peace sets in for a short time, and then everything repeats again. In terms of the strength and height of their eruptions, Kamchatka geysers are not inferior to the largest representatives on the planet.

Maly Semyachnik Volcano

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

It is active, and in one of the extinct craters there is an amazingly beautiful and mysterious acid lake of bright turquoise color. Its water is quite dangerous, as it damages everything it touches. The crater has a complex terrain, its slopes are steep, and you can only go down to the reservoir with climbing equipment. For these reasons, it is recommended to admire the lake from a distance. Ideally, from a helicopter window.

Natural Park “Nalychevo”

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

This is one of the youngest natural parks in Russia and it was created on the initiative not of scientists, but of local residents who wanted to preserve, but at the same time share the beauty of Kamchatka nature. There are the purest lakes, fast-moving rivers, thermal and mineral springs, powerful glaciers, and a rich wildlife. All this attracts tourists. People come here to experience the pristine nature of the world around them. The infrastructure of the park is well organized: there are signs and parking areas everywhere. There are trails with kilometer counts. You can go on a hike to the waterfall on the Shumnaya River, Vershinsky mineral springs, Aag Narzans and other interesting locations, take a horseback ride or view the surrounding area from a helicopter.

Khalaktyrsky beach

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

Endless, with black sand and giant waves. It is not suitable for a classic beach holiday – the water does not warm up by more than 15⁰C. But the beach is popular among surfers. Just walking along the shore of Avacha Bay, seeing the Pacific Ocean in the distance, and, in clear weather, Hawaii, is also interesting. The surrounding panorama, the majesty of which is emphasized by the volcanoes, gives this place a special flavor. On the opposite side of the beach there is a forest. If you find yourself in Kamchatka at the end of summer, you can pick a lot of mushrooms and berries there.

Esso Village

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

Photo: Tomasz Wozniak/

Situated in a deep valley surrounded by relief cliffs, mountain ranges and evergreen forests, at the confluence of two mountain rivers. Thanks to its picturesque nature, clean air, mountain climate, hot springs, waterfalls and lakes, it is called Kamchatka Switzerland. It is especially beautiful here in autumn. Tourists come here who want to live among untouched nature, strengthen the body and properly relax.

Bystrinsky Ethnographic Museum

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

Photo: Alexander Piragis/

It is the only one in Kamchatka, located in the village of Esso. The ensemble is an architectural complex of a Cossack fort in the style of Russian wooden architecture of the 17th-18th centuries: an official hut, a defense tower, a barn for storing household items and horse harness. There is also an exhibition hall building here. It contains the work of Kamchatka and Magadan craftsmen working with fur, beads, bone, wood, as well as a rare collection of Even shamanic objects of scientific value. You can buy national souvenirs in the museum.

What to do in Kamchatka

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

September – trekking for lovers of the beauty of autumn nature. Photo tours, excursions to the foothills of volcanoes and the Valley of Geysers, and sea cruises are actively conducted.

October-November – fishing only, as the weather becomes windy and rainy.

December-January – ski holidays and winter sea cruises.

February-April is a time of extreme sports. Freeriding, snowmobile excursions to volcanoes and geysers.

May – the beginning of traveling by car, as the roads become free of snow.

June-October – fishing season. You can catch large Pacific salmon – Chinook salmon.

July – high trekking season, the beginning of helicopter excursions.

August is the warmest time. Ideal for volcano trips and bear watching.

How to get to Kamchatka

Holidays in Kamchatka in 2020: join the legends, conquer volcanoes and touch pristine nature

The only way to get to the Kamchatka Peninsula is to fly by plane. The airport is located in Yelizovo, about 30 kilometers from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Only Aeroflot has direct flights from Moscow. Ticket price – from 13,770 rubles one way (8 hours travel). With transfers in Irkutsk or Novosibirsk you can fly with S7, Ural Airlines or Nordwind.

Those flying from St. Petersburg cannot do without transfers. From one you can get there on S7 or Aeroflot flights in 11-22 hours. Ticket price – from 15,900 rubles one way. A road with two transfers will cost you a little less. Travel time – from 15 hours.

Only S7 makes direct flights from Novosibirsk: from 17,400 rubles one way, 6 hours travel time. S7, Aeroflot and Nordwind fly with transfers, the journey takes at least 12 hours.

From Vladivostok, you can get there the fastest by direct flight S7 or Aeroflot – in 3 hours. Ticket price – from 9,000 rubles. It will be cheaper than flying to Kamchatka with transfers with the same airlines, from 11 hours on the way.

Passengers from Arkhangelsk will have to make one or two transfers. Only Aeroflot flies to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. One transfer will cost you less (from 26,000 rubles one way, from 14 hours on the road), a road with two transfers takes on average 19-24 hours).

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