Valencia pretending to be a big city

Valencia pretending to be a big city

When a Russian tourist chooses which Spanish city to go to, Barcelona most often comes to mind
. Following her, the tourist remembers Madrid, but immediately discards this thought – there is no beach in Madrid. In Alicante, on the contrary, there is nothing but the beach, but you want a cultural program. Barcelona has an abundance of culture, but going there every year can ruin you! – the traveler thinks, continuing to study the map of Spain. Until he finds Valencia.

Valencia pretending to be a big city

The traveler is absolutely right about Barcelona: the prices in this part are
In Spain they strive for the standard of living, and in Catalonia it is the highest of
all regions of the Iberian Peninsula. As for Valencia, then
Spain’s third largest city is in a peculiar situation:
there is everything here for Valencia to be considered a European capital —
historical center, medieval walls and towers of the old town,
architectural masterpieces of world significance (“City of Arts and Science”),

excellent public transport system. However, Valencia cannot be called a metropolis. First of all, because it does not live up to this proud title in terms of population: only eight hundred live in Valencia
thousands of people. Moreover, for now Valencia manages to avoid tourists
routes: during the summer holiday season the main flow of tourists tends to

Valencia pretending to be a big city

What do all these advantages of a well-organized Spanish province give
traveler? Free tables in restaurants, no traffic jams at
roads (if you are used to traveling in a rented car),

low prices on food and museum tickets (on Sunday entrance at
Most museums in Valencia are generally free). Available hotels:
when you start choosing a hotel room in Valencia, you will be convinced that
The price/quality ratio here is much more attractive than in
any other major city in Spain. And of course – spacious beaches where you won’t need to step over people to get to the beach
get to the sea. By the way, in Valencia the strip of the city beach is wider,
than in Barcelona.

Valencia pretending to be a big city

And you can get to the beach calmly and comfortably on a half-empty bus from
any part of the city in fifteen minutes.

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