Nara – the city where the deer live

Nara - the city where the deer live

The city of Nara is the center of Buddhist culture and the ancient capital of Japan. Home to the imperial court from 710 to 784, Nara is now a popular tourist destination. 14 million people visit it annually. People come to see the huge bronze Buddha, the largest wooden building in the world and the cute deer that roam right in the city center.

Nara - the city where the deer live

Deer in Nara are not afraid of tourists; they beg for food and allow themselves to be petted. How did it happen? According to Japanese legend, the god of thunder and swords, Takemikazuchi, arrived in Nara on a white deer to guard the newly built capital. Since then, local residents consider deer to be divine creatures that protect their city. Therefore, the animals are protected and feel safe.

Nara - the city where the deer live

In total, the city park is home to 1,200 deer. Entrance to the territory is free. In the shade of the trees there are usually vendors selling special crackers for animals. The cost of ten cookies is 150 yen (75 rubles). The treats fly away quickly, as the deer have realized who is distributing the food and are on duty near the retail outlets. As soon as a tourist is handed a cookie, they come up and start begging for food; the most impudent ones may even lightly butt or bite a soft spot.

Nara - the city where the deer live

Hoping to get more food, some deer learned an interesting trick. If you bow to them while looking into their eyes, they will bow back. It looks funny, but it’s even funnier when a tourist stumbles upon a lazy deer and diligently bows without any reaction in return.

One day is enough to play with the deer and explore the main Buddhist temples of Nara. The easiest way to get to the city is by train from Osaka or Kyoto. The fare is 800 yen (400 rubles). Travel time – 40 minutes.

It’s convenient to book a hotel on OneTwoTrip.

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