Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

Cappadocia is a fabulous place with a quaint landscape, like an illustration for a children’s book. Here, entire cities are carved out of the rocks, temples are built underground, and dozens of hot air balloons rise into the sky all year round. We asked people who are familiar with this place to tell us about the intricacies of traveling to this region. Read our article about what you should definitely do in Cappadocia, how much a hot air balloon flight costs and what you shouldn’t save on.

Where is it and how to get there

Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

Alena Fomina. Likes to travel

Cappadocia is a historical region of Turkey, located in the central part of the country and uniting several provinces: Aksaray, Nevsehir, Nigde and Kayseri. You can get here from any major city in the country in three ways:

  • by plane – the nearest airport is located in the city of Nevsehir, the administrative center of Cappadocia;
  • by regular bus;
  • by rented car .

When to go

Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

Photo: @asyasertkaya/

Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

Ali. Guide to Cappadocia

Cappadocia is beautiful at any time of the year. If one of the main goals of your trip is a hot air balloon flight, then it is best to come in the spring, when nature is in full bloom, or in the fall, after the summer heat has subsided. In winter, it can sometimes snow and wind here, and flights may be canceled due to unfavorable weather conditions.

Where to stay/where to live

Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

On the territory of Cappadocia there are small villages: Nevsehir, Urgup, Goreme, etc.

It’s better not to skimp on accommodation in the rocks and the obligatory attraction for this place – a hot air balloon flight. We recommend choosing a hotel with rooms that are located inside the surrounding rocks, with a private terrace, so that in the early morning or evening, while drinking Turkish coffee with baklava, you can watch the hundreds of hot air balloons hovering over these places every day.


  • 2* hotel Dedeli Konak Cave Hotel in Urgup – accommodation from 3672 rubles/day;
  • 3* hotel The Cappadocia Hotel in Urgup – accommodation from 4163 rubles/day;
  • 4* hotel Perimasali Cave Hotel in Urgup – accommodation from 5483 rubles/day;
  • 5* hotel Hanedan Cave Suites in Nevsehir – accommodation from 25,293 rubles/day;

How much does it cost to go up in a hot air balloon

Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

Local travel companies organize balloon flights. Due to the high popularity of air excursions, it is better to order in advance, no later than 2-3 weeks before the expected date. The cost of an hour-long air trip per person averages from $160.

Where are the best views/lookout points

Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

The best views open from the village of Uchisar – many tourists who would not fly in a hot air balloon go up to the Goreme panoramic platform. Also worth a visit are the Valley of Love, the Valley of the Monks and Sunset Point.

What else to see besides balloons

Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

Nora. Travel blogger

  • Görme Open Air Museum

The museum is a monastic complex with churches and chapels built into the rocks in the 1st-2nd centuries. The first novices and temple builders were Christians who fled here from the authorities of the Roman Empire.

  • Underground city of Derinkuyu (Derinkuyu Yeralti)

Derinkuyu is a multi-level underground city built by local residents in the 2nd-1st centuries BC. e. It goes down eight tiers, and can accommodate up to 20,000 people with food supplies and livestock.

The structure is truly amazing: there are living rooms, ventilation shafts, stables, kitchens, bakeries, oil and grape juice presses, wine cellars, warehouses for weapons and food, churches and chapels.

According to one version, ancient peoples did not live underground permanently, but wars, raids and persecutions were not uncommon in those days, and in order to preserve their property and at least suffer from invaders, they went down there in dangerous times, while destroying traces of their presence on earth. According to another version, people lived underground constantly, coming to the surface only to cultivate the land and grow crops.

  • Valleys of Cappadocia

Cappadocia has many valleys and they are all different from each other. We will tell you about the most interesting ones.

Valley of Imagination (aka Rose Valley) – there are many rock formations shaped like silhouettes of people, objects, and animals. The cliffs are formed from volcanic rock, which takes on a pink hue in the rays of the setting sun. You get magical photos here.

Valley of Love – while walking you can see finger-shaped stone pillars that are tall from 20 to 40 meters, which contrast effectively with the rest of the landscape.

Valley of the Monks(or Pashabag) – it is also called the valley of fairy chimneys. Here you can find one-, two- and even three-headed rock formations with mushroom-shaped caps.

Magical Cappadocia: hot air balloons, rock cities and quaint valleys

  • Uchisar Rock Castle

The castle is located on the highest point of Cappadocia and is a whole mountain range with many rooms and passages carved into the rock, offering stunning views of the whole of Cappadocia. At the foot of the castle there is a very authentic cafe @oasis_cafe_uchisar, where in the evening you can drink Turkish tea and watch the sunset.

  • Ihlara Canyon

This is a picturesque and deep (up to 150 m) canyon, in which there are many ancient rock churches. A picturesque river flows along the entire canyon, birdsong can be heard everywhere, and lush greenery contrasts with red rocks.

  • Salt Lake Tuz

The bottom of the lake is completely covered with salt. In the part accessible to tourists, the depth is no more than 25 cm, and in the summer season the lake dries up completely and on the surface you will see only deposits of snow-white salt. Just like the famous Lake Uyuni Salt Flat in Bolivia. Photos in any season will turn out amazing!

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