Where and how much to survive the winter? Choice OneTwoTrip

Where and how much to survive the winter? Choice OneTwoTrip

What makes a country good for wintering? First of all, the climate, because we are running away from the cold. Some people like tropical heat, others, on the contrary, enjoy a moderately warm climate, but in any case, this should be a place where you won’t become unbearably bored in the first two weeks. By wintering we mean a trip for a period of 3 to 6 months; The duration of the trip usually depends on the budget. The cost of staying in a particular country is always directly related to the duration: the more months you spend in one place, the lower your monthly expenses are. Firstly, this is due to the fact that renting housing and transport for a long time is cheaper, and secondly, in the first month you will most likely start at least partially cooking at home, find inexpensive markets and shops, as well as several favorite cafes and restaurants with reasonable prices. Be prepared to spend a little more money in your first month while you’re settling in than in subsequent months.

In addition, you need to take into account that different people have different needs – someone can easily eat cheap street food and live in a tiny closet, while others want to relax in style, go to bars and enjoy the nightlife. Naturally, the travel budget of these two categories of people will be completely different. In our article we will focus on something in between – comfortable conditions, but without frills.


Where and how much to survive the winter? Choice OneTwoTrip

Thailand is one of the most popular countries for wintering in Southeast Asia. The tropical climate here is mildest from November to February; there is practically no rain during these months. Most tourists prefer to stay on the coast and spend the winter months swimming daily in the warm ocean. Popular cities include Pattaya, Hua Hin, Phuket and Koh Samui.

The lion’s share of the monthly budget goes to rent. There are many options, ranging from inexpensive condos to luxury villas. An average option in terms of price and comfort is your own small house without a pool. The price per month is $250 – 400 and the lower the longer the rental period you sign. You will spend about $50-60 more per month on utilities and household items. Naturally, it is more profitable to rent a house by sharing, so if you are traveling without a partner, try to find a neighbor.

The price of the visa issue is $200, for this money you will receive a six-month multiple visa, with which you can stay in Thailand for 60 days, travel to a neighboring country and immediately enter back. This, of course, involves additional expenses on tickets, but you will be able to travel and see new places.

The remaining expenses, which include transportation and food, again depend on your appetites. Rent a bike – $60 per month, car – $350. If you cook mostly at home, and go to cafes and restaurants 3-4 times a week, it’s quite possible to spend $300 a month.

Total: A realistic budget for two is $700-800 per month, but to have a fun winter, go sightseeing and go out, prepare $1500 -2000 per month for two.


Where and how much to survive the winter? Choice OneTwoTrip

Indonesia is divided into Bali and “not Bali,” and if extremes such as the noisy and stuffy metropolis of Jakarta and a tiny fishing village in the outskirts do not suit you, then, of course, you need to choose Bali. Winter falls here during the rainy season, but this spoils the mood of few winter travelers – Bali is a very bright island with a special atmosphere and a lot of entertainment, which you can’t help but like because of the mere need to put on a raincoat once a day.

The cost of rental housing in Bali varies from $150 per month (the cheapest rooms in guesthouses) to $2000 per night (luxury villas in the center of the tourist area). The golden mean is a house in a small village 15-20 minutes drive from the coast. Such houses cost $400-600 per month, but if you are willing to pay immediately for the entire stay, the price tag is easily reduced by 1.5 times.

At the embassy you can apply for a social visa in advance, it costs $70, is valid for 60 days with the possibility of four extensions of 30 days for $40 each.

It is almost impossible to live in Bali without personal transport; renting a bike costs $50 a month, and a car starts from $200. The price range for food is the same as for housing. Fried rice in local eateries costs $1.5, but a hearty dinner in a good restaurant can cost $50; prices in stores are on average the same as in Russia. There is a lot of entertainment, but not all of them are paid – Bali has a huge number of natural attractions, beautiful beaches and interesting temples, definitely enough for six months of winter.

Result: You can spend the winter comfortably, but without frills, for $1,500 a month for two. If you want to have fun and lead an active social life, prepare $2000 per person.


Where and how much to survive the winter? Choice OneTwoTrip

Ten years ago, the Indian state of Goa was a paradise on earth, where thousands of Russian tourists came for the winter. Endless parties, cheap prices, the warm Indian Ocean, and nothing else is needed. Over time, the situation with prices has changed, but not much, but in all other respects India is still the same: albeit not so polished and ennobled, but with an atmosphere of complete freedom.

Housing prices here were and remain one of the lowest in Southeast Asia. Yes, houses on the first line with ocean views have become more expensive, now they cost from $600 to $1000 per month, but within a 15-minute walk from the beach you can find a cozy house or studio for $150-250 per month. Seasonality in Goa is pronounced – before the New Year, prices rise 2-3 times, so it is better to arrive in advance, in early November, and negotiate for the entire period at once.

A visa to India for six months costs $50, and is issued at the embassy or consulate in 3-4 days. There is a relaxation for the state of Goa – Russian tourists can go there without a visa, but during the winter you will probably want to travel around the country.

Renting a moped costs $70 a month, and mere pennies are spent on food: in India it’s equally cheap to cook at home or eat in a cafe, where portions are often “slaughter” and can be safely shared with a friend or for two meals . It’s easy to spend $200 a month on food without denying yourself anything special. The main rule in India is to bargain to the last, boldly and unprincipledly, Indians love it.

Total: In India it’s easy to live on $1000 a month for two people, and it’s possible even cheaper. Traveling around the country is also inexpensive, especially if there are no high demands on comfort.


Where and how much to survive the winter? Choice OneTwoTrip

There is an opinion that Europe is much more expensive than Asia, but if we talk about long trips, the difference becomes not so fundamental. Yes, in the winter months you won’t be able to lie on the beach here, but at least you won’t have to adapt to a different mentality, get used to the extremely hot climate and worry that the locals want to deceive you at every turn. Portugal is the most optimal country in Europe in terms of price-quality ratio.

In Portugal you can rent an apartment for the same money as in Moscow, and sometimes even cheaper. The most expensive housing is in the center of Lisbon, and in small towns near the coast a one-room apartment will cost 300-350 euros plus utilities. If you can pay for several months at once, you can bargain.

The easiest way to move around Portugal is by public transport; a city pass for a month costs 30 euros, but if you need a city and suburban pass, the total will be 80 euros per month. If you want to travel around the country, you can buy a used car, it will be much cheaper than renting a new one. You can keep it to 1000 euros and then sell the car before leaving.

Food prices are also not much different from Moscow; you can find places where a hearty dinner with wine costs 20 euros for two. As elsewhere, it’s cheaper to cook at home, in which case you can have a tasty and varied meal for 10 euros a day.

A visa costs 35 euros and can be obtained at the embassy; According to Schengen rules, you can stay in Portugal for up to 90 days.

Total: A quite comfortable budget for wintering in Portugal is 1500 euros per month for two.

Costa Rica

Where and how much to survive the winter? Choice OneTwoTrip

Another country of eternal summer, where you can wait out the frosts, is located on the isthmus between North and South America. Costa Rica has relied on ecotourism, farming is developed here, and the locals are friendly and open. The proximity of the USA results in higher prices compared to Asia, and tickets are not the cheapest, but living here is safe and comfortable.

In Costa Rica you can rent a one-room apartment in the city center for $450, and if you live in a residential area, the price tag will be lower. Closer to the New Year, demand is high, so, as in the case of India, it is better to arrive early.

A visa to Costa Rica is given to Russian citizens for 1 month free of charge upon arrival; it can be extended on the spot for up to three months. In addition, you can enter Costa Rica with a US or Schengen visa.

Renting a car in Costa Rica is not cheap – under $1000 per month, so it’s easier to get around by public transport. Short trips cost $1-2, and you can get to another city for $10. As for food, the average budget for groceries and periodic trips to cafes and restaurants is $1000 per month for two. At the same time, the food here is environmentally friendly and very tasty.

Total: a month of simple and quiet life in Costa Rica will cost $2000 for two.

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