Reserve of Soviet History: weekend in Ivanovo

Reserve of Soviet History: weekend in Ivanovo

Ivanovo is the youngest of the 8 cities included in the tourist route of the “Golden Ring of Russia”. In terms of its attractions, it is not similar to ancient Russian cities, if only because it was founded relatively recently, only 150 years ago. Most of the events in the development of the city occurred during the Soviet era. Why anyone interested in the history of Russia should spend a weekend here and what to see, read below.

Approximate travel budget for one person – from 3,200 rubles*.

  • Round-trip train tickets (from Moscow) from 768 rubles*.
  • 1 night in a hostel – from 400 rubles* or in a 3* hotel – from 900 rubles*;
  • The average bill in a cafe is 300 rubles;
  • Walks around the city, travel on public transport, souvenirs – 800 rubles.

1. Revolution Square

Reserve of Soviet History: weekend in Ivanovo

Photo: @basil_lom/

The city of Ivanovo-Voznesensk (now Ivanovo) arose in 1871 as a result of the unification of the village of Ivanovo and Voznesensky Posad. By that time, linen and calico-printing manufactories and factories were already flourishing here. The rapid growth of light industry earned the city the reputation of “Russian Manchester”. At the end of the 19th century, the number of strikes and organized strikes grew in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Their peak occurred in 1905. Then the first citywide Council of Workers’ Deputies was created.

It was decided to immortalize the events of the First Russian Revolution in May 1975 in the Monument to the Fighters of the 1905 Revolution on Revolution Square, the central square of the city. Part of the monument – a high column – symbolizes the prison building from which the flames of the revolution burst out. In front of her are two workers, one of whom is raising a banner taken from the hands of a fallen comrade. The monument is adjacent to the chapel in honor of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

Where to be: at the intersection of Lenin Avenue and Sheremetyevsky Avenue

2. Art Square

Reserve of Soviet History: weekend in Ivanovo


A stone’s throw from Revolution Square is a relatively new urban space – Art Square. During the warm season, it turns into a green, lively island where rock concerts are held and films are shown in the open air. There are three interesting sights here. The first is the Shchudrovskaya tent, an architectural monument of the late 17th century. The second is a sculpture of the songwriter of modern urban folklore Arkady Severny. The third is a funny bronze dachshund. School graduates and students taking exams believe that by touching her shiny nose and rubbing her cold ears, you can attract good luck.

Where is: intersection of Maria Ryabinina and 10 August streets

3. Palace of Arts

Reserve of Soviet History: weekend in Ivanovo

Photo: @naletu/

In the 30s of the 20th century, the large industrial city of Ivanovo laid claim to the title of proletarian capital, so the Palace of Arts (Ivanovo State Theater Complex),

designed by the architect Alexander Vlasov, it was conceived as the main public building of the city.

Currently, the cultural complex on Pushkin Square includes: a puppet theater, a musical theater and a drama theater. The walls of the palace have seen many student balls, large-scale exhibitions and creative meetings.

Address: Pushkin Square, 2

5. Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Revolutions of 1905

Reserve of Soviet History: weekend in Ivanovo

Photo: @basil_lom/

The paths and paths of the park lead to the banks of the Talka River. Almost 70 years ago, a dam was built here, resulting in the formation of a large reservoir. Here, townspeople swim, ride catamarans and even hold bicycle diving tournaments. In the summer, people go horseback riding in the pine forest (the trees are 125 to 130 years old), and skiing in the winter. On the territory of the park there is the Botanical Garden of Ivanovo State University, where a rich collection of plants from all over the world is collected.

Where is: Pervy Mayovok Street, 55

6. Park of Culture and Leisure named after V. Ya. Stepanov

Reserve of Soviet History: weekend in Ivanovo

Photo: @planeta_nz/

Park named after Stepanova (named in honor of the deceased member of the Council of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies) is located on the banks of the Uvod River, near the Tekstilshchik stadium. In the summer people ride bicycles, rollerblades, scooters and Segways here, and in the winter several skating rinks are filled at once. For extreme sports enthusiasts, a special area has been built here with ramps and horizontal bars for parkour, trampolines and artificial obstacles for skateboarders and BMX cyclists. Here you can admire the amazing iron sculptures of Vladimir Volkov. The figures, welded from drainpipes, car parts and nuts, have won recognition from local residents for their unconventional approach to creativity and original style. Among the master’s creations you can see a weightlifter, a copy of the Eiffel Tower, a hare with a guitar and many other funny characters.

Where is: Smolnaya street, 3

7. Where to go for souvenirs

Reserve of Soviet History: weekend in Ivanovo

Photo: @priscilladupreez/

Residents of neighboring regions and tourists come to Ivanovo specifically to purchase high-quality home textiles from economy to premium class at manufacturer prices. One of the most popular places for shopping is the Textile-Profi shopping center – the first glass and concrete factory, built in 1927 according to the design of Ivan Nikolaev. So you have a chance to bring back cute pajamas from your trip instead of another magnet.

Where is: Sosnovaya street, 1

8. Where to eat: DudkiBar

Reserve of Soviet History: weekend in Ivanovo

Photo: @yuliasamsonenko/@katerintcygankova/

Locals and guests of the city have chosen this place for its wide selection of delicious dishes of European and Oriental cuisine, large portions, affordable prices and a variety of events: live concerts and master classes, reading competitions and stylist battles.

Average check: 220 rubles
Address: 10 Augusta Street, 43a
Social network page

* Prices for travel and accommodation are indicated at the time of writing. The cost indicated in the material and the final price may vary depending on the season and time for which tickets are purchased.

Text author: Valeria Koryukina
Preview photo: @naletu/

Convenient hotel website – OneTwoTrip.

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