Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Krasnodar

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Krasnodar

In the “Cudablin” project, we send completely different people on trips at our expense! Alisa Kotlyar visited Krasnodar and found out the 10 best places and activities in Krasnodar, and then told us in her report.

Of all the proposed tasks for the “Kudablin” project, subscribers chose “Compose the TOP 10 places and activities in Krasnodar on your first visit.”

But in the end it became not one task, but ten! Oh, and my subscribers set the pace – everything I like)

So, if you find yourself in Krasnodar, here’s what you have to do to get to know the city and have fun:

  • Take a walk in Sunny Island Park
    Everything around is green, dandelions are blooming: an island of relaxation, entertainment and sports. Running, rowing, volleyball, tennis, cycling and further down the alphabet – very athletic people live in Krasnodar. I tried SupSurfing: I felt like a real Amazon in the middle of the Kuban Bay.
  • Walk down Red Street in red
    This is the central street of the city in the middle of which there is a pedestrian alley strewn with flower beds. You can spend the whole day going through it from start to finish, stopping in for a snack in atmospheric cafes. And in red you will be the star of this city, I answer!

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Krasnodar

  • See the Kissing Bridge at sunset
    Additional option – kiss on the bridge of kisses, ultimate task – kiss and dance on the bridge of kisses at sunset.
  • Look at what Lidochka wrote in her notes
    It’s interesting, but the Krasnodar residents themselves stopped by? Who knows what’s there?
  • Go to the new Galitsky Park
    To enjoy the space, lie on the green lawns, walk barefoot on the sea sand. Find the wildest skater and steal his skateboard.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Krasnodar

  • Watch a football match at the stadium
    If you find yourself on the day of a football match, do not miss it! Krasnodar residents talk about the FC Krasnodar stadium as a place of alien reality, a place of unreal sports beauty, majesty and energy.
  • Grab a piece of Indonesia in hot Krasnodar at the Bali Yammy cafe
    Here you can lounge on a hammock and try an unusual blue cheesecake or a fruit smoothie bowl.
  • Take a walk in the botanical garden
    Everything is green there! As if somewhere far outside the city. You can enjoy the silence, the rustling of leaves, and also gaze at live peacocks.

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Krasnodar

  • And a must-visit is the healthy habits bar “Celery”
    This is the place where you can feel at home, where it is cozy, warm and love reigns. But the most valuable thing is that this is a cafe with healthy cuisine and fresh products, without chemicals or preservatives, and this is the most important thing. There are dishes for both meat-eaters and vegans, there are juices, smoothies, and desserts (oh, I still dream about this cashew cake). There are more cafes like this! Where it’s tasty and healthy. There are 3 of them in Krasnodar, the largest one is on Gimnazicheskaya – be sure to check it out.

Summing up the results of my super short but super fun trip️, I would like to draw the main conclusion – everyone is going to Krasnodar!

And, in order not to figure out what to do there, catch my guide to emotions:

1. Take a walk along Krasnaya Street in red.
2. Skateboarding in Galitsky Park.
3. Look at what Shurik and Lidochka have written in their book.
4. Meditate in the Botanical Garden
5. See the sunset on the Kissing Bridge.
6. Walk around Sunny Island
7. Go paddle surfing on the Kuban River.
8. Drink a smoothie at the healthy habits bar “Celery”
9. Try blue cheesecake at “Bali Yammy”
10. Attend a football match at the FC Krasnodar stadium.

If you have more than 1000 subscribers on one of the social networks, participate in the Kudablin project, and we will send you anywhere on the planet at our expense. Where you will go and what you will do will be decided by your subscribers.

Travel is closer than you think. Apply to Project Kudablin and you might be the next one to go on an adventure!

Adventures of a Kudablin participant in Krasnodar

Text and photo by: Alisa Kotlyar (@alisa.kotlyar)
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