The adventures of a Kudablin participant in Paris

The adventures of a Kudablin participant in Paris

In the project “Kudablin? Tudablin!” We send completely different people on trips at our expense! Katya Yanok visited Paris: she took an online tour of the Louvre, explored secret Parisian streets and found a restaurant that serves delicious snails. More details in her report!

The adventures of a Kudablin participant in Paris

My trip to Paris began early in the morning, with a cup of espresso at the airport. It still didn’t fit into my sleepy thoughts that I would drink my next coffee in France.

Paris greeted us with good weather and a warm wind. On the way to the hotel, I wasn’t worried, I knew that OneTwoTrip had chosen something wonderful for me, but the result exceeded all expectations! Room, location – I’m ready to give everything a ten.

My hotel was located opposite Lafayette, I think it’s easy to guess that all girls love shopping, so I was delighted. I open the windows and see the Eiffel Tower in the distance, it’s so small, it really fits in my palm and I can’t wait to get closer to it.

The adventures of a Kudablin participant in Paris

Walking in the center the next day, our feet involuntarily led us to Notre Dame. This building will probably never cease to amaze me. I love the Gothic style in architecture, how beautifully it combines with the city. After taking a couple of pictures for memory, we set off for a walk along the Champs Elysees.

The adventures of a Kudablin participant in Paris

We snack on fresh croissants, sitting on a flat, green lawn right under the Eiffel Tower. I feel like I’m in a fairy tale!

The day ended with a local dish of Escargot snails and white wine.

The adventures of a Kudablin participant in Paris

The adventures of a Kudablin participant in Paris

As a task, my subscribers chose to conduct a mini-online tour of the Louvre. To be honest, I was happy when he was chosen! Therefore, on the third day, I showed the Louvre in my stories. I hope you enjoyed my role as a guide. It was something new for me, but very interesting!

The adventures of a Kudablin participant in Paris

My trip flew by very quickly, and when I returned to Moscow, every day I close my eyes and remember these few days, feeling myself back there, on the balcony overlooking the Eiffel Tower.

Text and photo author: Katya Yanok (@myrluka)
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