Dinner in the sky, in the dark, in prison and under water: the strangest restaurants in the world

Dinner in the sky, in the dark, in prison and under water: the strangest restaurants in the world

We will tell you about the strangest restaurants in the world that attract visitors with their scary design, inaccessible location and unusual rules:

Dinner in the sky, in the dark, in prison and under water: the strangest restaurants in the world

1. Restaurant in the sky (London, Brussels, Dubai, Rio)
The Brussels restaurant Dinner in the Sky consists of a platform with a table and chairs, which is lifted to a height of 50 meters by a construction crane. The table can accommodate 22 people, served by 3 cooks and waiters. Dinner in the Sky originated in the early 2000s in Brussels and quickly became popular. This mobile restaurant, despite the fact that the structure weighs 22 tons and the cost of dinner is close to a thousand euros, has already visited 15 countries around the world.

Dinner in the sky, in the dark, in prison and under water: the strangest restaurants in the world

2. Ithaa underwater restaurant on Rangali Island, Maldives
Itha Restaurant is located on a coral reef in the Indian Ocean, at a depth of 5 meters. The walls and ceiling are made of especially durable glass, and while dining, visitors can admire the passing rays, sharks and other ocean inhabitants. Getting into the restaurant is not easy: you need to walk from the ground part of the restaurant along a narrow wooden flooring, and then go down a spiral staircase to a depth of five meters.

Dinner in the sky, in the dark, in prison and under water: the strangest restaurants in the world

3. Restaurant “In the Dark” (Dans le noir) in Paris, France
A mysterious Parisian restaurant where all light sources and electrical appliances are prohibited. Here visitors are fed dishes unknown to them, served by blind waiters. The founders of the restaurant are sure that dining in complete darkness allows you to take a break from the information noise, enjoy live communication and all the shades of taste and smell of dishes.

Dinner in the sky, in the dark, in prison and under water: the strangest restaurants in the world

4. Open-air restaurant “Sounds of Silence” in the Australian desert
This restaurant is located a few kilometers from Ayers Rock, Australia’s most famous rock formation. The dinner begins at sunset and lasts 4 hours so that diners can watch the sun set and night fall on the desert. Dinner includes ostriches, kangaroos and even crocodiles, garnished with local vegetables and herbs. Everyone can look at the stars through a telescope.

Dinner in the sky, in the dark, in prison and under water: the strangest restaurants in the world

5. Ice restaurant Lumi Linna Castle in Kemi, Finland
This restaurant is built every winter from blocks of ice, and tables, dishes and all decorative elements are carved from them. The chairs are covered with skins, there are transparent ice floes instead of windows, and the temperature inside does not rise above -5°. The menu includes venison, fish and cold cocktails. Visitors are not allowed into the restaurant without hats, gloves and warm outerwear.

Dinner in the sky, in the dark, in prison and under water: the strangest restaurants in the world

6. Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan
The restaurant, opened in 2006, is designed in the style of a restroom: tables are made from bathtubs, chairs are made from toilets with colorful lids, and toilet paper is used instead of napkins. The lamps on the walls are shaped like urinals, and the plates are shaped like toilets, urinals, and medical “ducks.” From time to time there is a loud sound of water draining from the tank.

Dinner in the sky, in the dark, in prison and under water: the strangest restaurants in the world

7. Restaurant in the ancient prison of Fortezza Medicea in Volterra, Italy
Fortezza Medicea is an Italian castle built in the 15th century that houses a prison. A few years ago, a restaurant of the same name appeared there, the entire staff of which consists of local prisoners (the restaurant was created as part of a rehabilitation program). Prisoners cook, serve visitors and play in the orchestra. To enter the restaurant, you must pass through two security checkpoints and a metal detector. It is prohibited to bring phones, bank cards and personal items into prison.

Dinner in the sky, in the dark, in prison and under water: the strangest restaurants in the world

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