How nationality determines attitudes towards coffee?

How nationality determines attitudes towards coffee?

Coffee in Buenos Aires is experiencing a real revival, because for a long time there were rumors that good coffee could not be found in the city.
Therefore, in order not to push your luck once again, when you find yourself in the cafeteria, order mate tea instead of coffee. There is no less caffeine in it, and the taste can hardly be compared with anything else. Just a few sips will help you understand why coffee is neglected in this part of the world.

How nationality determines attitudes towards coffee?

Miami, Florida

In Miami, they don’t set records for the number of cups drunk, but if you try the famous café cubano here, you’ll probably think that it’s in vain. The open windows in the cafe are something of a landmark here, so go inside, order your favorite drink and enjoy. It is almost the size of a thimble, but you will feel its effect for a long time.


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