What the world's most stunning libraries look like inside

What the world's most stunning libraries look like inside

Libraries are a kind of summary of the cultural life of a country. Having accumulated knowledge over centuries, it is of great value to scientists. Travelers, in addition to ancient books, can find architectural and interior monuments from different eras in libraries.

Dr. James Campbell of Cambridge University, author of The Library: A World History, visited 85 of the world’s most stunning book depositories in 21 countries with renowned architectural photographer William Price. We invite you to switch to a whisper and get acquainted with 9 of the most amazing of them.

What the world's most stunning libraries look like inside

Haeinsa, South Korea

Dr. Campbell had serious problems visiting this place, because we are not talking about some city library, but about a Buddhist temple. It houses the collection of sacred texts Tripitaka Koreana, carved on thousands of wooden tablets. Their age exceeds 700 years, and the place itself inspires real awe.

What the world's most stunning libraries look like inside

Tianyi Pavilion, China

It is very dark inside the oldest Chinese library, as its premises were intended only for storing books, but not for reading. According to Dr. Campbell, the situation has changed since his last visit, and in this photo the books are in their places for the last time. Today the Pavilion has become a museum that anyone can visit.

What the world's most stunning libraries look like inside

George Peabody Library, USA

An extraordinary space, a temple to the industrial age, as William Price put it. Moreover, no library in the world can compete with this repository in terms of similarity to Hogwarts from Harry Potter. The magical effect is created by the multi-story structure, the splendor of decorative balustrades and thousands of books.

What the world's most stunning libraries look like inside

Bibliotheca Malatestiana, Italy

Want to know what a medieval library was like? Then this is the place for you. You will not find anything like this anywhere in the world, because in this establishment the books of that time are still in their places.

What the world's most stunning libraries look like inside

Marciana Library, Italy

What is this? Palace? Museum? You can’t tell at a glance. Once the largest library of its era, now a monument to the rich culture of the Venetian Republic.

What the world's most stunning libraries look like inside

Admont Abbey Library, Austria

In terms of its decoration, this monastery library can also lay claim to the title of a stunning museum, but it was built much later than the aristocratic reading room of Marciana.

What the world's most stunning libraries look like inside

What the world's most stunning libraries look like inside

Library Joania and Mafra, Portugal

This book depository was built during the period of wealth and power of Portugal, which clearly conveys the scope and decoration of the libraries. Bats still live in Mafra’s palace, protecting ancient books from insects.

What the world's most stunning libraries look like inside

Utrecht University Library, Holland

We finish with the classics and move on to modern minimalism. Externally, this building is a simple rectangle, but inside it hides a huge, amazing space filled with air and sunlight.

Source: CNN

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