8 reasons why traveling is more rewarding than dating

8 reasons why traveling is more rewarding than dating

If you ever decide to be alone, you will most likely feel pressure from others. Your friends will start looking for a new passion for you and tell you that dating someone is much more interesting and fun than being single. They are right, but sometimes a person needs to do without a relationship in order to gain new life experiences. For example, going on a long trip. In this article we will talk about the advantages of traveling over dating.

8 reasons why traveling is more rewarding than dating

1. You are in control of your life

When traveling, you are free to create your own route and control the time you spend in one place or another. Your independence allows you to make decisions based only on what you want. When you date someone, life changes begin to happen regardless of your desires. Having lost control, you yourself can become the one who is controlled: where to go and how long to stay there they decide for you. Traveling gives you freedom, dating takes it away.
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8 reasons why traveling is more rewarding than dating

2. Travel improves emotional health

Travel always broadens your horizons and enriches you with pleasant experiences, which directly affects your emotional health and sense of satisfaction with life. Traveling helps you gain a positive attitude in life and draw joyful prospects in your mind. Love relationships require enormous emotional investment, even if you build them with the right person. Not to mention “toxic” relationships with the wrong person: often people come out of them as emotionally drained pessimists. Another plus in favor of travel.

8 reasons why traveling is more rewarding than dating

3. You are free to move and make decisions

Relationships are always limiting. When making decisions, you should always remember that there is another person next to you whose interests need to be taken into account. And how often they do not coincide with yours! Compromises are inevitable in any relationship except the one you build alone with this big beautiful world. You are free to wander through it, without making excuses for your decisions, without listening to advice and complaints, but simply enjoying life

8 reasons why traveling is more rewarding than dating

4. There is an opportunity to get to know yourself

Sometimes people get lost in relationships. You may become influenced by another person and, especially in the early stages, begin to mistake their thoughts and desires for your own. When traveling, the opposite is true – when there is no one around, you have time and energy to understand yourself. When faced with various unexpected situations, you will learn a lot about your reactions and feelings, learn to look at yourself objectively and, perhaps, reconsider your values ​​and life principles. Dating helps us get to know another person, and traveling gives us a unique chance to get to know ourselves.

8 reasons why traveling is more rewarding than dating

5. You will realize that being alone does not mean being lonely

“Active searching” can sometimes mean that you are too dependent on the people around you and find it difficult to be alone with yourself, so you would prefer to adapt to someone else than to be alone for some time. At the same time, you have probably heard that there is “loneliness for two,” when people can be together, live in the same room and at the same time remain complete strangers to each other, causing severe pain.

When traveling, you can be alone, but not at all alone. It can restore faith in humanity: once you get rid of your fixation on a certain person, you will see that there are many good people around who are ready to help, encourage you and keep you in excellent company. Relationships can cut us off from the world and make us lonely, while travel helps us find friends.

8 reasons why traveling is more rewarding than dating

6. You will learn to solve problems on your own

Traveling can be a good life lesson: you will often have to make difficult decisions instantly and unravel serious tangles of problems without resorting to anyone’s help. It’s hard, but it’s the best way to believe in yourself and know what you’re capable of. When you meet someone, you most often ask your loved one to share your difficulties with you, and, if possible, even shift them onto his shoulders. Dating gives us confidence (or vice versa) in another, and travel gives us confidence in ourselves.
See also: 10 destinations for women traveling alone

8 reasons why traveling is more rewarding than dating

7. You will see that life is full of possibilities

Traveling helps us see how many interesting things are happening in the world and what opportunities life provides us with. Why not take the chance to learn about them? Dating is fun, but it limits your exploration of the world. Traveling provides knowledge that cannot be gained by sitting at home and living an ordinary life next to one person. Especially when you are young. It’s much more interesting to start a relationship after you’ve traveled around the world.

8 reasons why traveling is more rewarding than dating

8. You can enjoy every moment carefree

Travel is a continuous adventure, where there is no place for worries about everyday life, anxious thoughts about the past and future. This is an opportunity to live every moment. Dating and relationships will quickly lead you into a swamp of bills, loans and worries about the future, which the presence of another person doubles in size. Traveling makes life easier, but dating makes life harder.

8 reasons why traveling is more rewarding than dating

You can be happy regardless of your age and life circumstances. Quickly packing your things and setting off on a long journey is a great joy that is difficult to replace. And remember: you can find a truly loved one anywhere on earth and at any time in life. Don’t limit yourself!

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Source: www.lifehack.org

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