8 most beautiful active volcanoes

8 most beautiful active volcanoes

You’ve probably heard about those daredevils who roast marshmallows over lava or dive into the mouth of a volcano? Let’s try to guess your first thought: “they’re crazy!” But if you envy them and secretly want to repeat these crazy forays, you should be pleased to know that there are at least eight active volcanoes in the world now. You can walk around them completely safely, and we’ll talk about this today.

8 most beautiful active volcanoes

Hawaiian volcanoes

Want to know what caused the appearance of islands in the Pacific Ocean? Go to a national park in the state of Hawaii! Although it is not one of the most visited and perhaps inferior to most nature reserves in terms of the beauty of the landscape, but against the backdrop of local attractions the famous Old Faithful Geyser from Wyoming seems like an ordinary city fountain. The fact is that the main character of the show in Hawaii, the Kilauea volcano, has a very restless disposition – in other words, lava bubbles endlessly in it, and a column of volcanic gas bursts out of the crater. In short, an extraordinary spectacle that you can observe in close proximity to the vent.

8 most beautiful active volcanoes


Just imagine: Sicily, approximately 500,000 years ago, tectonic plates collide and form Etna. Now imagine yourself in this place, on top of the highest and most active European volcano. Breathtaking? Of course! Therefore, when traveling to Italy, do not forget to visit Mount Etna. To do this, you will have to take the cable car, and then transfer to an SUV. At the end of the journey, you will be rewarded with stunning panoramic views that extend to the Mediterranean Sea.

8 most beautiful active volcanoes


Even if you could never pronounce the name of this volcano, you should remember it as a nightmare for all travelers in 2010. Then Eyjafjallajökull was seriously in a fever, and due to his fault, flights around the world were postponed. Today you can embark on one of the most incredible journeys of your life by climbing to its peak. We are talking about a grueling four-hour outing. But all the difficulties pale in comparison to what you will see at the very top: the snowy coast of Iceland on one side and the riot of lava on the other.

8 most beautiful active volcanoes


Perhaps the most famous active volcano in South America is located in Ecuador. Cotopaxi has a rich history of eruptions and once even destroyed several towns nearby. Having calmed down, he “fell asleep” for almost a century and a half, but in August 2015 he took up his task again. A foray into the relatively safe area near the crater will require at least two days of climbing, but according to the brave souls, the view is worth it.

8 most beautiful active volcanoes


It is better to start your journey to the top from the Indonesian village of Sembalun Lawang. From here, thrill-seekers can reach the northeastern part of the crater. If you want to make the moment extra special, set out from your starting point at 2 am. The long climb will end with dawn at the very peak of the hill. You will have a stunning view of the tropical forests, bathed in the first rays of the sun.

8 most beautiful active volcanoes


Gone are the days when anyone could stand next to the lava sheet of this active volcano in Guatemala until the soles of their shoes literally began to melt. For better or worse, today visitors to the National Park can only enjoy the view of the lava from afar. But even for the sake of completely non-extreme contemplation, people are ready to overcome a 3-kilometer climb.

8 most beautiful active volcanoes


If active volcanoes could be assessed as gadgets, Poas would definitely be one of the leaders in terms of price/quality ratio. Getting there is almost as easy as going to the supermarket – a 10-minute climb along a paved road in the National Park of Costa Rica. Such a hike is hardly even an adventure. At the very top you will find an observation deck with one of the most stunning views on the planet – a turquoise lake 300 meters deep in the volcano’s caldera and another tropical body of water in its crater.

8 most beautiful active volcanoes


Took a break in Costa Rica? Now we move to Chile to perhaps the most difficult climb. Here in the Andes you will find the most dangerous active volcano, which does not allow everyone to approach it. To get to its top, you should either hire an experienced guide or be a desperate climber. The road ahead will not be easy. But, as we have often noted in this article, what you see will definitely shake you to the core. Villarrica is one of only five volcanoes in the world with a true lava lake. Believe me, it is impossible to imagine this phenomenon – you need to see it with your own eyes!

Source: Thrillist Travel

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