7 new ideas for extreme tourism

7 new ideas for extreme tourism

Summer is a special time for lovers of extreme tourism. Warm weather provides more opportunities to test your own strength and stock up on impressions in different parts of the world.

7 new ideas for extreme tourism

Chasing Hurricanes in Tornado Alley (USA)

An activity that was initially considered difficult and dangerous work – scouting out where the storm originates and determining its direction, very quickly became a popular attraction for fans of extreme entertainment. Several companies organize tours, for example, stormtours.com or silverliningtours.com. An area called Tornado Alley — These are several southern states located between the Rocky Mountains and the Apalachee Mountains. Hurricanes are especially common here. To see how they are born means to receive strong impressions.

7 new ideas for extreme tourism

Sky jumps over Victoria Falls (Zambia)

Famous among bungee jumpers, the bungee jump on the bridge over the Zambezi River on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia is a great chance to go on a long jump from a height of 111 meters. The backdrop for the flight is the magnificent Victoria Falls. Here you have the opportunity to make a long jump with an elastic cable (so-called bungee jumping) alone, as well as in tandem with an instructor. Luxurious views and intense sensations are guaranteed.

7 new ideas for extreme tourism

Flight on the MiG-29 fighter (Russia)

What does a MiG-29 fighter pilot feel during a flight? Unforgettable sensations for a select few are now available to tourists. For a tour, you can contact incredible-adventures.com. The flight begins in Moscow, from where, together with an experienced instructor, those who like to tickle their nerves fly to Nizhny Novgorod, admire the views, and then return to the capital.

7 new ideas for extreme tourism

Passing the Royal Path (Spain)

The Caminito del Rey or “Royal Path” is an extremely narrow, about a meter wide, passage along the slopes of the El Chorro gorge near the city of Alora in southern Spain, in the province of Malaga. Situated at an altitude of 100 meters, this 3 kilometer long path is made of concrete blocks supported by steel rails driven into the rock. What adds to the extreme is the fact that the trail, built more than a century ago, has become significantly dilapidated over time and has collapsed in places, so you have to jump over empty spaces, trying not to look down. However, they promise to repair and secure the attraction, so you need to have time to use the dangerous path in its current state.

7 new ideas for extreme tourism

Feeling of weightlessness (France, USA)

Those who want to experience weightlessness, similar to that in which astronauts live in orbit, now do not have to leave the confines of the earth’s atmosphere. You can order a flight from gozerog.com. Extreme enthusiasts gather on board a specially modified A300 Zero G aircraft. This aircraft, moving along parabolic arcs, creates a zero-gravity environment in the cabin, completely simulating the sensations of a person in a spaceship.

7 new ideas for extreme tourism

Dune racing (Namibia)

The surroundings of the city of Swakopmund, located on the west coast of Namibia, are considered one of the most attractive places for extreme tourists in Africa. Here, adventure seekers are invited to test themselves with a variety of attractions, the most popular of which are sand surfing and ATV racing on the dunes. By having fun in this way, tourists get a thrill and observe the wildlife of Africa. Several companies in Namibia organize tours, for example, namibiadesertexplorers.com or namibian.org.

7 new ideas for extreme tourism

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Africa’s greatest peak and the world’s highest standing mountain is located in Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania. There are six officially approved climbing routes, three of which are equipped with huts for tourists. During a week-long or ten-day climb up the mountain, tourists successively find themselves in five different climatic zones. Experienced instructors accompany tourists during the ascent.

7 new ideas for extreme tourism

Diving with sharks (South Africa)

The Cape Town area is known for the high concentration of sharks in its coastal waters. This makes it one of the most popular places for thrill-seekers to experience the thrill of cage diving in shark-infested waters.

Source:  www.nerverush.com

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