7 main misconceptions about traveling

7 main misconceptions about traveling

We are confident that traveling abroad can change people’s lives. They teach new things, expand horizons, and give unforgettable impressions. And now, when the world is technologically ready for you to travel around it far and wide, no prejudices should stop you. We’ve collected 7 of the most common travel myths that keep you from sitting on a plane yet.

7 main misconceptions about traveling

Group tours are not so “atmospheric”

If you choose a reliable company, everything will be exactly the opposite. Small initiative groups organize unique hikes and excursions for travelers. Proceeds from their activities go to local communities, which need the money more than large corporations. Look for the word “eco” in operator names and ask locals for a memorable and authentic group tour.

7 main misconceptions about traveling

Travel abroad is dangerous

Some travel myths arise in response to certain events, and this is one of them. Due to the increasing frequency of terrorist attacks in some countries, people are increasingly thinking about personal safety. Fortunately, most tourist destinations pose no threat. It is only important to stay updated on the news and not neglect precautions.

7 main misconceptions about traveling

Travel is very expensive

Nothing annoys experienced travelers more than this misconception. The industry is moving so fast that for every expensive hotel room and platinum business class on a luxury airline, there are a hundred or even a thousand budget alternatives.

7 main misconceptions about traveling

You will never return from solo tours alive

Travel safety myths claim that traveling alone is akin to suicide. In reality, everything is completely different. Do not neglect precautions and travel only to those countries where the level of crime and political tension does not threaten your life.

7 main misconceptions about traveling

The trip is not worth the effort

A misconception generated by bores. Believe me, the view of the blue expanse of the sea from the window or the towering mountains will immediately compensate for the time spent in the airplane seat.

7 main misconceptions about traveling

When traveling you can only spend money

But no. You can stay on the road as long as you want if you have a source of income. Fortunately, today the list of opportunities for earning money abroad and remote work is only expanding.

7 main misconceptions about traveling


Jet lag is caused by lack of sleep

In fact, anything is responsible for disturbances in the body’s circadian rhythm, but not what time you went to bed the night before your flight. The most obvious culprits for feeling unwell after landing in another country are jet lag, dry air on board, pressure changes and an unusual diet.

Source: Yahoo! Travel

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