6 mistakes that a real traveler will never make

6 mistakes that a real traveler will never make

Destroying something is always easier than creating it. So, it may take you more than one month to carefully plan your trip. Everything planned can be leveled to the ground literally with the snap of a finger. In this article we talk about how to turn your dream trip into a ruined vacation.

6 mistakes that a real traveler will never make

Give up on the time between connecting flights

A surefire way to ruin your plans is to decide that 45 minutes will be enough for a transfer. In fact, this is a very bad idea. Keep in mind that at large airports the gates are located at a considerable distance from each other – the chances of getting lost and being late for departure or being left without luggage are very high. Don’t take risks and don’t rely on airline arithmetic. Allow at least 90 minutes for transfer. And at some airports you need to allow an additional hour to get through the queues.

6 mistakes that a real traveler will never make

Save by staying in the suburbs

A recipe for a ruined vacation would not be complete without a hotel located 30 minutes from the city center. In the short term you will certainly benefit, but in the long term it will ruin your holiday. Firstly, you will have to waste valuable time traveling. Secondly, the cost of travel on public transport, for example, in European countries, will reduce all savings to nothing.

6 mistakes that a real traveler will never make

Try to fit everything into your trip at once

If you think that Europe is not that big and all the important cities can be visited in a day or two, you are wrong. Of course, no one is stopping you from visiting Rome, Paris and London in one day. But what’s the point? What will remain in your memory after such a marathon?

6 mistakes that a real traveler will never make

Do what tourists are supposed to do, not what you want

You go on a trip with the intention of performing all the obligatory rituals like visiting the Louvre or taking photos in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Great idea! But you definitely want it? If not, it’s better to abandon the idea right away. Your trip is yours alone. If you want to sit imposingly all day in a cafe – please! No one will judge you.

6 mistakes that a real traveler will never make

Visit the first restaurants you come across

Inattention and excessive gullibility will give you a ruined vacation. During the tourist seasons, those locals enrich themselves by setting traps for naive foreigners. Before you head into town, do some research: check out blogs and read reviews online about establishments. In order not to overpay for a bright sign, you should have an idea of ​​the price level in local restaurants.

6 mistakes that a real traveler will never make

Choose a hotel based only on the information in the advertisement

Another trap for tourists is sparkling photographs on hotel websites and phrases like “The window offers a view of the ocean”. If you want to know how things are in reality, look for reviews from travelers and photographs taken by them.

6 mistakes that a real traveler will never make

Source: Budget Travel

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