5 reasons to spend your holidays in the Astrakhan region

5 reasons to spend your holidays in the Astrakhan region

Astrakhan and its surroundings have long attracted tourists: lovers of fishing, architecture, nature and a warm climate come here. We tell you why this direction is one of the most promising in the south of Russia. 

How to get there:
By plane or train. The cost of a one-way air flight from Moscow in the summer starts from 3,000 rubles, a railway ticket – from 2,900 rubles. You can also travel by car: the journey from the capital to Astrakhan will take about 18 hours.

Where to stay: 
At the Astrakhanskaya Hotel with its own spa center on the Volga embankment. The cost of a night in a double room is from 4,500 rubles. Or at the Bonotel hotel, located in an ancient building next to the Kremlin. The cost of a night in a double room is from 2800 rubles. 

Discover little-known chapters of history

Astrakhan is known for its rich and interesting historical past: during the Golden Horde it was a major trading center, in the 15th century it was considered the capital of the entire Khanate, then it became a significant port and border outpost. During the Second World War, the city was almost not damaged, so today in Astrakhan many historical sights have been preserved almost in their original form. 

5 reasons to spend your holidays in the Astrakhan region

We recommend visiting the Astrakhan Kremlin, its construction began in 1582. Particularly interesting is the white stone Assumption Cathedral, built in the Moscow Baroque style. Pay attention to the wall paintings and visit the lower temple, where Georgian kings are buried. In total, there are more than 20 objects on the territory of the Kremlin that are of architectural and historical value.

It is interesting to look at the trading farmsteads: Persian, Armenian and Indian. Visit the Annunciation Convent, founded in the 17th century. There are also several mosques in the city. The most notable ones are called Chernaya (built in 1816) and Red (1894).

5 reasons to spend your holidays in the Astrakhan region

Most of the old houses in Astrakhan are located on Sovetskaya Street. Among them are the Gellert hospital, the Mariinsky gymnasium, the drama theater, the Karyagin house, the provincial administration, and the Bagirov house. You can also walk along Nikolskaya Street and look at historical mansions and modern buildings stylized as pre-revolutionary architecture. From there you will go to the Volga, which has always been an important transport and trade artery of the region. After a walk along the river embankment, you can go to the Oktyabr cinema: there is a winter garden-arboretum, known since Soviet times.

It will be interesting to visit one of the oldest provincial exhibition halls, founded in the 19th century, which is located in the Astrakhan Museum of Local Lore, as well as a historical and architectural reserve. Look at the art gallery of the merchant Dogadin – his collection includes works by Chagall, Malevich, Shishkin, Kuindzhi, Levitan. Take a look at Velimir Khlebnikov’s apartment, which previously belonged to the poet’s parents, at the Umerov Museum of History, Culture and Life of the Astrakhan Tatars and at Kustodiev’s house. 

Visit filming locations

Another historically significant place in the Astrakhan region is Sarai-Batu, the medieval capital of the Golden Horde, through which the Great Silk Road passed. It is located near the village of Selitrennoye, 130 kilometers from Astrakhan. We recommend renting a car to visit. This location has become a significant tourist center in recent years, but travelers are attracted here not so much by archaeological finds as by the prospect of visiting the filming sites of the film “Horde” and the TV series “Sofia”. 

5 reasons to spend your holidays in the Astrakhan region

It is noteworthy that the appearance of the ancient Horde settlement was recreated in detail: the organizers consulted with historians and archaeologists. Today, Sarai-Batu consists of the Khan’s palace, carved gates, a city square, several streets and merchant shops. When creating the museum, the workers even repeated the water supply system that existed in the Golden Horde. 

Historical festivals and meetings of reenactors are often held in the “city”, and in the summer they plan to open a camping park next to the museum, on the banks of the Akhtuba River. 

 Admire the unusual nature

Astrakhan region is one of the hottest regions of Russia. Its nature is original and amazing: here you can see not only steppes, but also a real desert. The most popular location for admiring the “Martian” landscape is the Big Brother dune, whose height ranges from 11 to 20 meters. It constantly changes its shape and outline. It is better to come here by SUV with a guide. 

5 reasons to spend your holidays in the Astrakhan region

Another truly alien location is the salt lake Baskunchak, which is also called the “Russian Dead Sea” and the “All-Russian salt shaker” (80% of the salt in our country is mined there, and work began in the 8th century). Despite the fact that the lake is an industrial site, you can swim in it during the summer months. However, it is worth remembering the rules of behavior in salt water: do not spend more than 15 minutes in it, do not dive or jump upside down, do not get it in your eyes, nose and mouth. We recommend that you wash yourself after swimming in the lake and take fresh water with you. Enjoy the snow-white landscape glistening in the sunlight. And depending on the time of day, you can see different colors of the salt lake: from azure to black. 

Near Baskunchak there is Mount Big Bogdo, sacred to local Buddhists. It can only be explored along certain hiking trails. On the open routes you can spend the whole day looking at the “singing rocks” and descending into karst caves. The mountain itself is the edge of a salt dome, covered with sandstones, clays and limestones, so the landscape here resembles a multi-colored layer cake. In spring, wild tulips bloom at the foot of Bogdo. 

5 reasons to spend your holidays in the Astrakhan region

The region is famous not only for its desert landscapes. It is in the Astrakhan region that the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. Before this, it is divided into picturesque sleeves – peals. The Volga Delta is also known for its unusual nature: for example, lotuses bloom here from July to September (in these parts they are sometimes called “Caspian rose”). They form entire fields with an area of ​​several hundred hectares, which can be viewed from a boat. In addition to lotuses, egg capsules, water lilies and lilies bloom on the slopes, and there are also birds that you would not expect to see in Russia: pelicans, flamingos, white-tailed eagles, ibis, spoonbills. All of them can be met during a boat ride.

Take a break from the city bustle

Excellent fishing is another reason to come to the Astrakhan region. Many camp sites along the Volga River are equipped with special piers – and, believe me, the catch here is simply huge. If you didn’t take a fishing rod with you, it doesn’t matter, you can find fishing gear for rent everywhere. The camp sites also provide a boat with a ranger if you want to discover new fishing spots, swim or look at natural attractions.

5 reasons to spend your holidays in the Astrakhan region

From the Volga waters you can easily catch pike perch, carp, catfish, asp, pike, bream, not to mention less valuable species of fish – roach, crucian carp, perch, sabrefish, roach.

Many tourists are also attracted by tourist centers and recreation areas with their own lotus gardens. People often come to the Astrakhan region as “savages”: with tents and a gas burner. Despite the fact that there are many parking lots on the banks of the Volga, it is better to check in advance whether it is allowed to set up camp in the location you have chosen or whether it is better to stay at organized campsites.

Try the “Volga” cuisine

The basis of local cuisine is river fish. Even if you previously often preferred the sea, a holiday on the Volga will certainly change your opinion. At camp sites for fishermen, chefs will help you prepare your catch – or you can always rent a barbecue. 

5 reasons to spend your holidays in the Astrakhan region

If you don’t want to sit with a fishing rod for a long time, go to the Astrakhan market “Selenskie Isady”: here you can buy not only fresh fish, but also dried fish (for beer), sturgeon balyk, caviar – both black and pike. 

In Astrakhan, you can try river inhabitants in most catering establishments. For example, in the restaurant “Pike” (5A Lieutenant Schmidt St.), located in an Art Deco building. The menu includes pike cutlets, dumplings with beluga, pike perch tartare and sturgeon kebab. 

The trendy restaurant “Beluga” (Fioletova St., 3) offers grilled fish and a modern variation of classic southern dishes. For example, pike dumplings are served here with a sauce made from whipped pike caviar, catfish and sprat are used as a spread for bruschetta, and black caviar is served on champagne jelly. The menu also includes Volga crayfish. 

At the Gellert bar (Savushkina St., 24A) beer is served in the southern style – with potatoes and dried Astrakhan fish. Locals consider this to be the best craft drink in town. 

Dishes of Kalmyk and Kazakh cuisine, also popular in this region – kazy, beshbarmak, kutan, pilaf – can be found in the Almond restaurant (Ulyanov St., 10). 

Also, the Astrakhan region is famous for its sweet watermelons. They ripen in the second half of July and remain on the shelves until October. According to locals, the most delicious fruits can be bought from trucks on any highway leaving the city. At the end of summer, watermelon desserts appear on the menu in restaurants. Excellent tomatoes also grow here, surprising all tourists from big cities: don’t forget to buy a couple of kilograms at the Bolshye Isady farmer’s market.

If you are looking for a place to stay in a new city, we recommend paying attention to the hotel vertical OneTwoTrip – set the minimum distance to the center in the filters and you will quickly find the closest hotels to the most interesting locations.

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