3 places of power on the map of Russia where you can recharge your batteries

3 places of power on the map of Russia where you can recharge your batteries

Unique territories, where special energy is felt, wishes come true, and even convinced skeptics feel the world around them in a completely different way, really do exist. The nature of these sensations is hotly debated. Some explain what is happening with mysticism, others with physics, and others with the peculiarities of the geographical location. And the fourth need to check everything for themselves, so they quickly pack their suitcase and go on reconnaissance. Indeed, it’s better to see once…

Ancient city of Arkaim

3 places of power on the map of Russia where you can recharge your batteries

Photo: Dmitrii Dektiarev/Shutterstock.com

Arkaim is a magnet. Anyone who hears his amazing story at least once will definitely want to “meet” him in person. The fortified city, which appeared in the second millennium, is the same age as the Egyptian pyramids. And its design is no less original. This fortress house with a diameter of 85 meters could accommodate all the inhabitants of the city, namely 3,000 people. But the most interesting thing is that the building is located on the site of a tectonic fault in the earth’s crust, in the bowl of an ancient volcano, and there are incredibly powerful energy flows here. That is why Arkaim is considered one of the most serious places of power in Russia. Having been here, people feel changes on both the emotional and physical levels, “refresh” their ancestral memory, see the future, gain new strength, and feel a surge of creative energy. Some even say that clocks stop here and strange voices are heard.

Brave tourists go to the ancient Mount Shamanka, which stands nearby, to communicate with the spirits. They say that if you spend the night on its top, you can get rid of all diseases. It sounds, of course, absolutely fabulous, but in order to refute it, you have to try it yourself.

3 places of power on the map of Russia where you can recharge your batteries

Photo: Shutterstock.com

Arkaim is located on the territory of the reserve of the same name. In addition to the ancient Bronze Age settlement, there are other attractions here. 

An interactive museum where you can not only look at household items of that time, but also twirl the weapons of the ancient Aryans in your hands. In the open air there is a historical park, or “Museum of Death,” which contains authentic funerary and religious structures. It will be interesting to look at the professional reconstruction of ancient dwellings, to visit the Temir Kurgan – an exact copy of the ancestral tomb of noble nomads.

How to get there

By plane from Moscow to Chelyabinsk (from 2,000 rubles* one way), and from there by regular bus (1,700 rubles per person and 6 hours on the road).

Official website: arkaim-center.ru

Khakass “Chests”

3 places of power on the map of Russia where you can recharge your batteries

Photo: Shutterstock.com

An array of five mountains in the Shirinsky district of the Republic of Khakassia stretches for four and a half kilometers. Only the northernmost mountain, on the top of which there is a cube-shaped rock, received its own name – the Chest of the Hero Khokho-Babai. And it was there, according to legend, that the mysterious Babai hid countless treasures.

The remaining mountains have only serial numbers, and on each of them you can find rock paintings, ancient burial grounds and special structures with the help of which the Khakass observed the celestial bodies. Observed, by the way, quite effectively. Scientists were shocked to discover during excavations drawings (IX-III centuries BC) of people in spacesuits and a map of the starry sky engraved on stone… of the Southern Hemisphere!

Of course, the place is tightly wrapped in legends. Some believe that this is an observatory of ancient people who had very high intelligence. The latter are sure that aliens flew here. Local residents are of the opinion that there really is a certain power here. Moreover, here you can not only recharge with the right filling energy and ask local spirits to fulfill your desire, but also travel through time or to other worlds.

Thanks to special air flows, the acoustics here are unique. If you whisper something from the top of a mountain, those standing 300 meters below you will hear you perfectly. 

3 places of power on the map of Russia where you can recharge your batteries

Photo: Shutterstock.com

True, not everyone manages to get here. You can wander around all day and still not get to the mysterious “chests”. And get caught, for example, in a terrible downpour. This means spirits are not allowed in. But you can come to an agreement with them. They say that everything you wish for here will definitely come true, because your wishes immediately go into space.

At the foot of the ancient Chests Observatory lies the mysterious Lake of Priestesses. Not far from these mysterious mountains you can stay at numerous camp sites and tent camps located on Lake Bele.

How to get there

A plane ticket from Moscow to Abakan costs about 9,000 rubles*, the travel time is five hours. The distance from the capital of Khakassia to the mountain range is 205 km. You can get there by regular bus or taxi.  

If you have your own transport, take the P257 “Yenisei” highway to the village of Shira. Follow the signs to the Bely Iyus River, and after the bridge turn right onto the gravel road and after 5 km you will be there.


3 places of power on the map of Russia where you can recharge your batteries

Photo: Shutterstock.com

The amazing nature of the tundra is something that is definitely worth seeing in life. Boundless expanses, steep cliffs, inaccessible mountains and streams. It is here, in the mysterious tundra of the Kola Peninsula, that the famous Seydozero is located. It is no coincidence that the reservoir received the name “seid”; translated from Sami it means “holy” or “place of spirits.” The entire territory and, of course, the water itself were considered sacred, they were treated with great reverence, and entry here was open only to shamans.

According to rumors, the lake has not lost its magical properties, so you need to… talk to it. At least to see him. And if you are a good negotiator, the fog will clear and incredible beauty will be revealed to your eyes.

A stone observatory, some buildings and huge runes carved into some rocks have been preserved here. If conversations with the reservoir do not bore you too much, you can also talk with the local residents. They know everything about the local wonders and spirits and are sometimes ready to share with tourists.

But the main attraction is the image of a huge human figure on one of the rocks – Kuyva. Experts say that the spirit of a shaman lives here. And this, of course, is the most magical place. People here experience dizziness, various visions and – if you know exactly what you want – sometimes they find answers to clearly formulated questions.

How to get there

3 places of power on the map of Russia where you can recharge your batteries

Photo: Shutterstock.com

A plane ticket from Moscow to Murmansk costs from 1,500 rubles*. Next you need to take a bus or taxi and get to the village of Lovozero (200 km), or 85 km by bus from the Olenegorsk railway station.

There are two roads to Seydozer itself. One is from the village of Lovozero, between the Kuamdespakhk and Ninchurt mountains to the mouth of the Motka River, from where it is only two kilometers to Seydozero. The second is from the village of Revda. It is more difficult, since you will have to walk about 10 km through the Elmorajok Pass.

Of course, there are many more than three places of power in Russia. And almost each of us has our own secret corner where thoughts come into order, energy balance is restored and we even manage to catch a state of flow. This could be a small village in the Kaluga region or a picturesque peninsula on the Volga, the secrets of which are known only to residents of the nearest dacha villages. They attract only a certain number of knowledgeable people, and therefore do not qualify for the title of “attraction”. But are they really that important, these parameters? The main thing is that such places exist. And it’s definitely worth looking for them. Interesting!

*Prices are valid at the time of publication.

Text author: Nadezhda Podkolzina

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