10 things to do in Minsk

10 things to do in Minsk

Minsk is known as the cleanest city in the entire post-Soviet space. Also, tourists often talk about the “spirit of the USSR” that hovers in the city. And although this is not unique to Belarus, the “Soviet Union” in its best manifestation has been preserved here. However, local residents are already quite tired of such analogies. So if you are going to Minsk, pay attention not only to the city’s past, but also to its present. And we have put together a list of places and activities that you should definitely get to know in the Belarusian capital.

Brush up on recent history

10 things to do in Minsk

There is a particularly exalted attitude towards the Great Patriotic War in Belarus, which is why there are many monuments about the events of 1941-1945, and Victory Day is also widely celebrated. Actually, the war began from this country: on the morning of June 22, 1941, German troops attacked the border Brest Fortress. You can learn about further history in the new museum, which opened only a couple of years ago and has not yet become boring for tourists.

10 things to do in Minsk

Interesting excursions from local residents in Minsk

The old building, located in the city center, was demolished: the museum moved to Pobediteley Ave., 8. No money was spared on the museum – the interior decoration is very modern, and it contributes to the atmosphere. For example, projections are used to complement exposures, and it turns out very cool.

Try real potato pancakes

Belarus has long been called a potato republic, and if the image has stuck, it means it’s for a reason. Most folk dishes are prepared with potatoes, including the signature dish – potato pancakes. The recipe is extremely simple: spices are added to grated potatoes to taste, then they are molded into the shape of ordinary pancakes and fried in a frying pan. However, the result is surprisingly different in different establishments.

Real pancakes are prepared in any restaurant of Belarusian cuisine: say, “Vasilki”. If you want an establishment of a higher level, then the route should be taken to the Grunwald restaurant.

Visit the festivities in the Upper Town

10 things to do in Minsk

Something went wrong with pedestrian streets in Minsk. Quiet and rich in museums and pleasant establishments, Karl Marx Street only lasted a couple of seasons. As a result, everything moved to the Upper City. This place is a few steps from Oktyabrskaya Square, which is the geographical center of the city and Nemiga region, with romantic places for walks. On weekend evenings, street concerts, dance evenings, and street performances were held there.

Browse all establishments in the Upper Town

10 things to do in Minsk

There are several streets in Minsk where literally every building will have a bar or cafe. One of these places is the Upper Town. On Herzen and Zybitskaya  streets you will definitely find an establishment to suit your mood and taste. Here is the popular youth bar “Attic”, and the cocktail bar “Mists”, and the beer restaurant “At the Town Hall”, the “Insomnia” bar in the style of “Alice in Wonderland” and a lot of other places.

Located near the embankment of the Svisloch River, the establishments are in the city center, but it is quiet and cozy there, and there are practically no cars.

Go to the art gallery “House of Pictures”

10 things to do in Minsk

Tourists are usually advised to visit museums related to the history of Belarus. We will recommend the House of Pictures, a new gallery that is interesting for two reasons. Firstly, this is the largest private gallery. Secondly, its interior resembles the best European galleries.

Sometimes original exhibitions are held here: for example, the “Smells of Life” collection of perfume aromas was exhibited all winter. The works of many Belarusian artists are also presented here.

Assess the variety of brands in the shopping center “Castle” and “Galileo”

10 things to do in Minsk

At first glance, this is a controversial recommendation: why, supposedly, should a tourist look at what his country probably already has? But we would like to dispel one prejudice. Sometimes Belarus is presented as a “small-town” country where you can’t really buy anything. Now, this is not true. In addition to the dear GUM, which has preserved the charming Soviet style in architecture and internal structure, Minsk has quite a few large shopping centers with famous brands. It is enough to walk around the “Castle” and “Galileo” to be convinced that in Belarus you can buy not only straw bast shoes and “embroidered shirt” (a shirt or dress with a national ornament).

Take a dip in the Lebyazhy water park

10 things to do in Minsk

The largest and almost the only Minsk water park is located on the outskirts of the city – Pobediteley Ave., 120. The entertainment complex is really large: five levels, total area – more than 30 thousand square meters. There are eleven slides in total with a total length of about one kilometer.

The water park will satisfy any request: there is a children’s and family entertainment center, a beach party area, a wave pool with imitation sea waves and much more.

Take a photo from the observation deck of the National Library

10 things to do in Minsk

The “Diamond of Knowledge” is much more often associated with Chupa Chups, but let’s leave the design decisions to the conscience of the architects. Almost any book can be found in the 23-story building, and tourists are usually attracted by the observation deck on the roof of the library.

10 things to do in Minsk

Climbing to the top floor, you will see an excellent panorama of the city. However, in Minsk there is a shortage of high-rise buildings with free access to observation platforms, so there is still not much to choose from. But the view from the library is really good.

Ride along the bike path

10 things to do in Minsk

The asphalt bike path runs through the entire city – it starts from the Drozdy reservoir near the Moscow Ring Road in the north-west of the capital and diagonally follows to the south, to another reservoir in the Chizhovka area.

The bike path is notable for the fact that it is laid along the green zone of the city, and in some places it goes out onto the embankment of the Svisloch River. Clean air, no cars, and a separate area for pedestrians. The length of the bike path is approximately 27 kilometers. You will overcome?

Look at the Red Church and the White Church

10 things to do in Minsk

The full name of the Catholic church is the Church of St. Simeon and St. Helena, but it is often called simply the Red Church. The building looks monumental, located next to the Government House and two universities – BSPU and BSU. The building looks spectacular not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

10 things to do in Minsk

The main temple of the Belarusian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church is the Cathedral of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, it is located in the same Upper Town. The miraculous Minsk Icon of the Mother of God and the relics of Saint Sophia Slutskaya, granddaughter of Anastasia Slutskaya, a famous figure in the history of Belarus, are kept here.

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