10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

In May of this year, Mount Etna, in Sicily, erupted for several hours. This is one of the few active volcanoes in Europe. Although eruptions cause a lot of problems (for example, for air travel),

volcanoes consistently attract tourists. We present a selection of the ten most beautiful volcanoes and the views that open from their top.

St. Helens, USA

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

This active volcano last erupted in 1980. For 57 people it ended tragically – that’s how many lives this volcano claimed then. As a result of the incident, the height of St. Helens decreased by four hundred meters. Now there are no signs of an impending eruption and the volcano is open to visitors.

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

Travel companies organize excursions to St. Helens – you can either climb on foot, accompanied by experienced people, or book a helicopter excursion. If you are used to traveling alone, then you are allowed to climb the volcano on your own.

Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

In 2010, this volcano caused a lot of noise. Airlines had to make adjustments to their flight schedules—European airspace was partially closed for five days. The volcano is located about 125 kilometers from Reykjavik, so you can get to it quite quickly and inexpensively. But the main thing that makes the volcano remarkable is its name. American researchers have calculated that only five thousandths of a percent of the planet’s population is able to pronounce this word correctly the first time.

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

Eyjafjallajökull offers views of the glacier, and another volcano is located not far from it. Its name is much simpler – Katla. There is an opinion in scientific circles that Eyjafjallajökull will awaken a second volcano, which has already happened before.

Cotopaxi, Ecuador

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

Cotopaxi is one of the highest active volcanoes. Its height exceeds many mountains – 5911 meters, the ascent will not be easy. In the Quechua language, the name Cotopaxi means “shining mountain”, but there is also a variant of “smoking mountain”. Both are close to the truth: the top of the volcano is covered with snow, and eruptions occur very often.

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

Since 1738, approximately 50 eruptions have occurred. At the end of the nineteenth century, the volcano calmed down, but in 2015 it again reminded itself of itself with an intense eruption. Because of the snow, when lava erupts, the appearance of a lahar is inevitable – this is the name given to a mixture of rocks, ash, lava and water. It occurs when lava collides with ice or cold water. On the road to the volcano you can meet animals – llamas, deer, wild horses roam here. The tourist camp is set up at an altitude of 4700 meters.

Vesuvius, Italy

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

One of the most famous volcanoes is also recognized as one of the most dangerous – although it is difficult to say which volcano does not pose a threat when it erupts. Vesuvius is located 15 kilometers from Naples and is a popular attraction.

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

Many people come here specifically to climb to the top of the 1281 meter high mountain. The volcano is famous for the fact that in 79 AD it destroyed Pompeii, as well as other cities of Ancient Rome. The last major eruption occurred in 1944. Then the funicular was destroyed, and there was only one way to the top of Vesuvius – on foot. True, you won’t have to walk that far: you can climb about a thousand meters by car, then leave your vehicle in the parking lot and walk a little to the top point of the volcano. It offers a panoramic view of the surrounding area, where almost two thousand years ago there were cities that found themselves under lava in just one day.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Russia

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

Most of the eruptions of this volcano occurred in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with the interval between eruptions being approximately 5-7 years. The last eruption dates back to 2013, so you have two more years to climb Klyuchevskaya Sopka without endangering your life.

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

You can climb to the top by helicopter or on foot. The cost of the excursion may exceed one hundred thousand rubles, but this is more than compensated by the incredible views from the mountain.

Montagne-Pele, Lesser Antilles

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

The volcano is located on the island of Martinique, which belongs to France, although it is located thousands of kilometers away, in the Caribbean Sea. Like Vesuvius, Montagne-Pele has many casualties to its name. In 1902, he wiped out the city of Saint-Pierre along with 28 thousand inhabitants.

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

The last activity occurred in 1932. Now at its foot a museum of volcanism has been built, where you can learn a lot about volcanoes and specifically about the history of Montagne-Pele. From the top of the volcano you can see the entire island. The ascent is simple, no extreme.

Fujiyama, Japan

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

It is curious that the mountain is privately owned – it belongs to the Shinto Great Shrine Hongu Sengen. This is the highest point in Japan – 3776 meters. The volcano is recognized as active, but the last eruption was three hundred years ago (in 1707-1708).

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

Fuji is incredibly popular, and the entire infrastructure around is excellently developed. You can relax in guest houses, and buying food, water and other supplies is easy. There are several trails along which people climb Mount Fuji. The climb usually takes from three to eight hours, depending on weather conditions and physical fitness. The mountain is part of a national park, so the attitude towards ecology here is special; Throwing away garbage is allowed only in specially designated areas.

Ijen, Indonesia

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

This volcanic complex consists of a large number of small volcanoes and craters. The largest of them is Merapi, the height reaches 2803 meters. There hasn’t been a major eruption for eighty years, since 1936.

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

Ijen is interesting not only for tourists, but also for local residents who mine sulfur here. Working conditions are terrible, miners quickly contract pulmonary diseases due to hydrogen sulfide, which is dangerous to the respiratory system. Tourists must wear a gauze bandage to minimize health risks.

Kīlauea, Hawaii

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

The main part of the volcano is included in the Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park. Kīlauea (“heavily flowing” in Hawaiian) has been active since 1983 and doesn’t seem to be going to sleep, so climbing it isn’t a good idea. But you can look at the volcano from a safe distance.

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

The volcano constantly smokes and erupts, lava flows out of the cones. Despite this, it does not pose a serious danger to residents; the main thing is not to get too close to Kilauea.

White Island, New Zealand

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

The only active volcano in New Zealand is located on the island; the last eruption occurred at the end of 2012 – beginning of 2013. The territory of White Island is completely empty; there is nothing here except the volcano itself. However, this does not prevent the island from being popular with tourists.

10 most beautiful views from volcanoes

You can get to White Island by helicopter or by water. In the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries, sulfur mining took place here, but work has been curtailed for a long time. Now only tourists and scientists studying the behavior of the volcano come here.

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